Site Map
- Index
- Mission Statement
- Attorneys
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- Practice Areas
- New York Elder Law Attorneys
- What is Elder Law Estate Planning?
- The Five Steps to an Elder Law Estate Plan
- The Two Biggest Mistakes in Elder Law Estate Planning
- Components of an Elder Law Estate Plan
- Inheritance Protection Trusts to Keep Assets in the Family
- Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPT's)
- Seven Myths About MAPT's
- Sheltering Income with a Pooled Trust
- Wealth Preservation Strategies
- Protecting Special Needs Children and Grandchildren with Trusts
- Legal Steps to Take with Alzheimer's
- Second Marriage Planning
- Special Needs Trust for Adults
- Planning for Singles and Couples Without Children
- Estate Planning for Young Parents in New York
- Elder Law Estate Planning Issues for Women
- Protecting Assets for Spendthrift Children
- Planning for Same-Sex Couples
- Major Reasons to Plan Your Estate
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts in New York
- Business Succession Planning
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Glossary of Elder Law Estate Planning Terms
- Wills
- New York Living Trusts Attorneys
- Medicaid Strategies
- Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPT)
- Long-Term Care Insurance v. Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- Medicaid Exempt Assets
- Applying for Medicaid
- Medicaid Annuities to Protect Assets
- Spousal Refusal
- Protecting Half on the Nursing Home Doorstep: The Gift and Loan Strategy
- Protecting Assets with Caregivers Agreements
- Sheltering Income with a Pooled Trust
- Home Care with Community Medicaid
- New York Special Needs Trust Attorneys
- Estate Administration and Probate
- Estate Tax Savings
- Inheritance Planning
- Irrevocable Trusts
- Revocable Living Trusts
- New York Elder Law Attorneys
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Resources
- Online Forms
- Ask the Lawyer
- Attorney Michael Ettinger Named 2010 Five Star Best in Client Satisfaction Wealth Manager
- Glossary of Estate Planning and Elder Law Terms
- Four Major Reasons Why Trusts are Preferred Over Wills for Seniors
- Types of Health Care Services/Living Accommodations for Seniors
- Asset Protection With a Medicaid Trust
- Choosing a Professional Trustee
- Estate Planning for Pets — A Trust for Fluffy?
- Communication Devices for Older Adults
- Geriatric Care Managers — Helping Seniors and Their Families Take Aging in Stride
- Keeping Your Assets in the Family — The Inheritance Trust
- Michael Ettinger's Top Ten Reasons to Plan Your Estate
- Planning for the Disabled Child With a Supplemental Needs Trust
- Writing an Ethical Will – Bequeathing Who You are and What You Stand for
- Trustee's Duties Upon the Death of the Grantor
- Irrevocable Trusts Do's and Don'ts
- Understanding a Veteran With PTSD
- The Ettinger Law Firm Way
- Elder Law Estate Planning in a Nutshell - Part One: Disability Planning
- 2021 Newspaper Columns
- The Five Perils Estate Planning Avoids
- A Baker's Dozen Reasons to Use a Trust
- ''Disclaimer Trusts'' for Couples with Taxable Estates
- The Elder Law Power of Attorney
- Myths About Estate Planning
- The Farmer's Daughters
- Writing an Ethical Will
- Choosing a Health Care Proxy
- Inheritance Protection Trusts to Keep Assets in the Family
- Leaving Assets to Minors
- Leaving Assets to Spendthrift Children
- Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) v. Life Estate Deed
- Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatments
- The State of Estate Taxes
- Trusts Create Order Out of Chaos
- Pet Trusts
- Planning for Singles and Couples Without Children
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Qualifying for Medicaid to Pay for Long-Term Care
- Second Marriage Planning
- Taking Back Control with a Living Trust
- The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (''MAPT'')
- The ''Santa Clause'' in Estate Planning
- Using ''Moral Suasion'' in Estate Planning
- What is Elder Law Estate Planning?
- 2022 Newspaper Columns
- Life Stories Preserved
- Planning For and Executing Inheritances (Part One)
- Planning For and Executing Inheritances (Part Two)
- QTIP Trusts for Second Marriages
- Leaving an IRA to a Trust
- Leaving a Vacation Home to Family
- Accepting What Is
- Avoiding Elder Financial Abuse
- Don't Wait for Something to Happen to Start Planning
- Elder Law Estate Planning Misconceptions
- Estate Planning Requires Confidence Building
- Estate Planning -- A Transaction or a Relationship?
- Integrity and Gratitude
- Medicaid Exempt Assets
- Reasons to Revise Your Estate Plan
- Tax Issues on Death
- To-Do List When Someone Dies
- Why Some Estate Plans Fail
- Aging Life Care Managers (ALCM)
- Avoiding New York Estate Taxes
- The Caregiver as Invisible Patient
- Cashing in Your Life Insurance Policy
- Checklist of Elder Law Estate Planning Concerns
- The Ettinger Law Firm Way (Part One)
- The Ettinger Law Firm Way (Part Two)
- The Ettinger Law Firm Way (Part Three)
- The Ettinger Law Firm Way (Part Four)
- Gifting to Minors
- Special Needs Children and Grandchildren
- The Young Family Estate Plan (YFEP)
- Reverse Mortgages
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- The Difference Between a Simple Plan and an Ettinger Law Estate Plan
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- Free Elder Law Estate Planning E-Book
- Ettinger Law Firm's Guide to Protecting Your Future