
The Ettinger Law Firm Way (Part Four)

Every law firm has a unique culture. Ours is captured in 30 fundamentals we call The Ettinger Law Firm Way. All 30 of these may be found on our website,, under "Resources".

  1. Communicate To Be Understood. Know your audience. Write and speak in a way that they can understand. Avoid using internal lingo, acronyms, and legal jargon. Use the simplest possible explanations.
  2. Pay Attention To The Details. Missing just one detail can have an enormous impact on a client. Be a fanatic about accuracy and precision. The goal is to get things right, not simply to get them done. Double-check your work. Get the details right the first time.
  3. Embrace Change and Growth. What got us here is not the same as what will get us to the next level. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging on to old ways of doing things. Embrace change and the possibilities that change and growth bring. Be flexible.
  4. Be Relentless About Improvement. Regularly reevaluate every aspect of your job to find ways to improve. Don't be satisfied with the status quo. "Because I was taught that way" is not a reason. Guard against complacency. Find ways to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently.
  5. Treasure, Protect and Promote Our Reputation. We're all responsible for, and benefit from, the Ettinger Law Firm image and reputation. Consider how your actions affect our collective reputation, and be a proud ambassador for the firm.
  6. Go The Extra Mile. Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job ... plus a little bit more. Whether it's starting early, staying late, or doing something that's not in your job description, it's the extra mile that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.
  7. Keep Things Fun. While our passion for excellence is real, remember that the world has bigger problems than the daily challenges that make up our work. Stuff happens. Keep perspective. Don't take things personally or take yourself too seriously.

Client Reviews
This is the best choice for elder care and estate planning! Well established and transparent in services and quality of staff is suberb. K. D.
Outstanding professionals at every level within their organization. Interpersonal communications outstanding. F. O.
Very happy with the firm and so pleased we have them helping us. C. D.
Mr Ettinger has worked with my family for over a decade and has provided excellent advice on numerous issues relating to trust and elder law. B. A.
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