Sometimes creating an estate plan means more than just simply designating who will receive your assets. Instead, it sometimes becomes critical to think about how a loved one will receive what you leave them. Fortunately, estate planning presents the opportunity to contemplate the particular needs of your beneficiaries as well as the structure of such transfers. One of the most common but serious obstacles that exist in passing assets to a loved one is if a beneficiary is financially irresponsible.
Understandably, after decades of working hard, you want to make sure that the assets you pass on to loved one can be fully utilized. If a loved one does not treat assets with the same serious nature that you do, however, this intent can quickly defeat your estate planning goals. Fortunately, there are estate planning strategies that are available to make sure that assets last a long time and are responsibly managed. This article considers just some of the critical issues to remember about passing assets on to a beneficiary who is financially irresponsible.
# 1 – The Role of Trusts