Trusts and Estates Wills and Probate Tax Saving Strategies Medicaid

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  One of the most undesirable situations in the field of estate planning is a person becoming incapacitated or passing away without the proper estate plans in place. To die intestate means that a person passes away with no legal will. This means that if a person intestate, the distribution of that person’s assets is determined based on New York law rather than any consideration for the needs of the deceased person’s loved ones. 

Tragically, many people die without the proper estate planning tools in place. For example, Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman passed away without a will. Boseman’s case is unique because he filed some estate planning documents, but not enough to fully oversee how his estate was handled. Consequently, the distribution of Boseman’s assets was left to the control of a California probate court to distribute Boseman’s estate which is valued at $939,000. Given the celebrity of Boseman’s film roles, his estate was likely worth much more but passed on many assets to trusts. Curiously, however, wills are often written contemporaneously to wills. Boseman’s story brings to mind why you should ignore some of these common reasons and engage in adequate estate planning sometime soon.

# 1 – To Make Sure Your Children Are Cared For

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused some people to leave the country. There also many other reasons why people choose to take residence in a foreign place including job opportunities or to live closer to loved ones. If you’re planning on moving out of the country, it’s critical to understand some potential estate planning implications. 

Select Someone to Oversee Your US Assets

If you still own any type of assets within the United States, you should consider utilizing a power of attorney to name an “attorney-in-fact”, which is a person who makes financial decisions on your behalf while you reside outside of the country. This person should be close to the assets in a question so they can help oversee them. This person might be granted various powers including the ability to pay bills and to apply for loans. 

Data shows that more than 11 million Americans currently need some type of long-term care due to chronic illnesses and conditions. Statistics also show that over a million Americans reside in long-term care facilities. Over half of these residents are between the ages of 75 to 94. Many times, long-term care refers to care at locations like a home but also assisted living or hospitals. It’s a good idea to sufficiently plan for how you will receive long-term care as well as how to preserve assets you’d like to keep. 

# 1 – You Have Options to Pay for Nursing Home Costs

The costs for long-term care options like nursing homes are often substantial. Potential applicants are often overwhelmed at how large these costs are. As a result, it’s often the best idea to begin planning for how to pay nursing home costs as soon as possible. Some of the options that people rely on to pay for long-term costs include:

In the recent Texas case of In Re Estate of Tillotson, the administrator of a deceased individual’s estate filed a motion to have the deceased individual’s husband turn over the deceased individual’s community property interest in several accounts. When the trial court granted the motion, the surviving spouse appealed. 

The court of appeals found that the administrator had the power to file a motion seeking partition of community property. The appeals court noted that the state’s estate code provides that an executor or administrator through a written application can request the partition and distribution of an estate. The court also noted that if an intestate deceased spouse survives a child, the deceased spouse’s undivided one-half interest in the community estate passes to the deceased spouse’s children. 

The appeals court went on to discuss the Texas estate code that permits a surviving spouse to seek a partition but noted that this code does not make this right exclusive to the surviving spouse. Consequently, the court of appeals affirmed the trial court’s order.

Nursing home Medicaid requires recipients to either be over the age of 65 or blind or disabled. Unfortunately, an increasing number of families are searching for long-term care while the recipient is still below the age of 65. Many of these individuals are just a few years short of 65 but have already experienced serious medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, or traumatic brain injuries. Unfortunately, the circumstances that lead a person to require long-term care are not always predictable. If you’re under 65 and interested in utilizing Medicaid, there are some important issues that you should consider.

Nursing Home Is a Valid Option for Someone Under 65

If a Medicaid applicant is below the age of 65, they have the option of establishing that they are disabled to qualify. Verification of disability involves “prima facie” evidence and might include disability determination by the Social Security Administration, disability determination by the Railroad Retirement Board, or proof of receipt of Medicaid benefits. 

If you decide to create a trust as part of your estate plan, there are various tasks that you must successfully navigate including appointing a trustee who can oversee the trust. A trustee performs the critical task of both managing the trust and distributing assets in a manner that conforms to the trust’s terms. 

While a trustee performs a critical task, many people have misconceptions about the role. For example, some people think that picking a friend or family member to serve as a trustee is a wise idea because it’s a potentially cost-effective option. In reality, there are some distinct benefits to selecting a professional trustee. This article reviews some of the important to consider when deciding whether to select a professional trustee or a loved one to function as a trustee for your trust.

Experience Can Prove Helpful

Estate planning is a critical process in planning for your eventual death or incapacity. Unfortunately, however, too many people neglect estate planning or do the bare minimum. In reality, however, to make sure that your goals are achieved, it’s critical to treat estate planning seriously. This means engaging in activities like routinely updating your estate plan and speaking with an estate planning attorney if you have concerns about your estate. To make the most of your estate plan, it’s also a good idea to consider the various wise asset location strategies that you might utilize to make the most of your estate. 

What Qualifies As “Smart” Can Change

To a degree, smart asset location is subjective. While one person might decide that their assets should only pass on to charity, another individual might decide to pass on their life savings to their children. Often, it’s not the question of how much is left behind but instead what is left after a person’s death or incapacity and who receives what. 

A challenge to the Affordable Care Act is still pending at the United Supreme Court, but other challenges against the law have also been introduced including one case in which a Texas federal judge suggested that most Americans receive preventive services like mammograms without charge. In this ruling, the judge also noted that businesses, as well as individuals who challenge the Affordable Care Act’s “first-dollar” coverage requirement for preventive services, have legal standing to do so. 

This judge has also previously found the entire Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The plaintiffs who initiated the case argue that religious and free-market objections exist regarding the Affordable Care Act’s requirement and seek to halt enforcement of the law. 

Based on a recent order, it appears likely that the judge will rule in favor of the plaintiffs and end up interfering with the Affordable Care Act’s application. 

Senator Bernie Sanders recently introduced the “99.5% Act”, which is focused on the assets of the top 0.5% of wealthy Americans. This marks the first legislation introduced following President Joe Biden’s coming into office that would result in the lowering of the federal estate tax exemption. For many people interested in passing on assets to loved ones, it’s critical to understand the nature of these changes.

Changes Introduced by the Bill

The bill would lead to several critical changes in many of the country’s federal tax provisions, which include:

A new study reveals how devastating a diagnosis of mental decline can be. Researchers found that rates of suicide raise substantially in the weeks and months following a dementia diagnosis. Consequently, following such a diagnosis, patients and their loved ones should be alert to an increase in symptoms of depression. Some of the most common signs that a loved one is beginning to experience depression include apathy, increased feelings of sadness, social withdrawal, and suicidal thoughts. 

After all, learning that a person has dementia or an associated condition can be troubling. The time that a diagnosis is made also appears to be influential in regards to suicide attempts. Many times, people who are in the early stages of mental decline are still capable of processing what dementia entails. These individuals might grow fearful of progressive cognitive decline and that they might end up “burdensome” to others. People in the early stages of mental decline are also more capable than individuals in full-blown dementia to successfully carry out a suicide attempt. 

Despite these dangers, many caregivers avoid talking to elderly patients directly about any thoughts that they might have about suicide. Many times, loved ones and caregivers want to avoid asking such questions due to concerns that doing so will trigger suicidal thoughts. This, however, is often not the case and patients frequently are willing to acknowledge these thoughts, which can lead caregivers and loved ones to end up providing help. 

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