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When a deceased individual, known as a decedent, leaves a Will, family members and friends that have reason to believe something may be wrong with that Will may be able to have a court rule that the Will is invalid in some situations. The following are examples of common situations in which a person may have reason to ask a court to overturn a Will, most of which can be avoided by working with an attorney to create a valid Will.

The Will Does Not Comply with Law

There are several specific requirements the person making a Will, known as the testator, must comply with for a Will to be valid in New York. Basically, these include:

Pets play a special role in all our lives; they serve as companions, security, as well as important additions to our families. However, when it comes to naming beneficiaries in your will, it has long been debated on a state level whether pets can legally be named as beneficiaries of an estate, due to their lack of capacity.

Many people name their animals, such as their dogs or cats, in their will, without realizing that, depending upon the state in which they make the will enforceable, probate court may find the provision invalid and treat the bequest as if it had not been named, passing down using the rules of probate court.

In order to effectively name a pet as a beneficiary in a will, there are specific ways of writing the provision that ensures your pet will be cared for after your passing. You can designate a friend or relative in your will to be the caretaker of the pet in the event of your passing. In this provision, you can designate a specific amount of money that will be received for care, for taking the pet, and what will happen upon the pet’s death. The caretaker of the animal will then become the owner of the pet legally, because pets are technically considered living property.

The law can often be confusing. One such term includes probate in reference to a will. It is important for people to understand exactly what probate is and what assets are required to go through probate in New York. Keep in mind that these are general definitions and examples, and your individual circumstances will often impact exactly what assets are considered probate or non-probate.

What is probate?

Basically, probate is the legal process that takes place after a person has died. Usually, the probate process begins by proving whether or not the deceased person’s will is valid if a will exists. The process may also include:

When a deceased individual, known as a decedent, leaves a Will, family members and friends that have reason to believe something may be wrong with that Will may be able to have a court rule that the Will is invalid in some situations. The following are examples of common situations in which a person may have reason to ask a court to overturn a Will, most of which can be avoided by working with an attorney to create a valid Will.

The Will Does Not Comply with Law

There are several specific requirements the person making a Will, known as the testator, must comply with for a Will to be valid in New York. Basically, these include:

While often used interchangeably with estate planning, legacy planning is actually a distinct approach to estate planning. While legacy planning can work hand-in-hand with your comprehensive estate planning strategy, it is important to understand its potential role in your estate plan. While estate planning includes all of your tools and strategies to devise wealth to future generations, Forbes points out that legacy technically means a bequest or gift left to an individual in your Last Will and Testament. They note that legacy planning can be a proactive part of your approach to estate planning by helping you take control of defining and achieving the legacy you wish to leave behind.   

Dispelling Common Myths

The article from Forbes sought to dispel some of the common myths surrounding legacy planning. While conversations about estate planning in general are never easy, legacy planning can often carry its own negative connotations. Some of the most common myths surrounding legacy planning include:

As the United States prepares to have a new president take office in 2017, millions of Americans are wondering what will happen to their health insurance coverage under Obamacare. Obamacare was enacted in order to provide coverage to those citizens who did not previously have coverage due to ineligibility or loss of coverage, with the goal of bringing down the cost of health insurance generally, and reducing costs regardless of preexisting conditions. While it was a widely contested issue between Republicans and Democrats, now that a Republican president will take office, plans are being made to repeal Obamacare.

Those in favor of Obamacare have raised question about what the 25 to 30 million people who now have insurance through the government program will do when coverage is stripped, especially since many of those are elders. However, proponents of a new system point to statistics that have shown that the majority of those who obtained benefits did so through Medicaid. Of the 14 million people who signed up for Obamacare between 2013 and 2015, 12 million of those did so through Medicaid. Thus, a large portion of the population will be able to qualify for coverage through other government programs technically.

In an effort to prepare, Republicans have come up with a block grant system as an alternative to be implemented, giving states more control over the way government funding is spent in their area. The block grant alternative also lawmakers on the state level to decide how money allocated to their area through Medicaid is spent, by allowing health needs particular to that state’s citizens control where more or less money can be spent. One thing is definite for government health care coverage, it will be cut one way or another with the new presidency.

Why Were Interest Rates Raised?

The Federal Reserve has made the decision to increase interest rates by 0.25% at the end of 2016, with more dramatic increases to follow in 2017, news of which was released in December 2016. The decision was made for the interest rate increase of a quarter point to begin at the end of 2016, with two more 0.25% increases to follow over the course of the following year. This increase indicates that the labor market is tightening and thus, the United States economy is improving. Over the past decade, interest rates have only increased 0.25%, with that increase happening at the same time last year.

This change was made in response to the impressive amount of jobs that have been created and maintained over the past year and a half, with unemployment rates now below 5%, the lowest it has been since before the recession. Notably, in 2016, 180,000 jobs were added a month, which has led the Federal Reserve to allow interest rates to increase due to borrowers’ ability to pay more for loans and return to the ideal of 2% inflation. The interest rate hikes in 2017 could follow quickly after President-elect Trump’s taking to office, due to his pledge to provide growth oriented tax cuts and increased spending on infrastructure.

Inheriting physical real estate, such as a home or vacation cabin, can be tricky to navigate. You have to consider your desire for the property, potential expenses involved in ownership, and the process of transitioning ownership of the property to your name. These situations become more complicated when you add joint ownerships and partial interests.

People have been known to leave homes or vacation properties to their children to have in equal shares. This is common in cases where the property has been in the family for generations. Property left to multiple people is considered equally owned as “tenants-in-common” or “co-tenants”. All co-tenants have the right to use all of the property and share in any profits or liabilities from it.

“I don’t want a cabin in the woods if my brother’s there too.”

Estate planning can be a tricky matter. If it wasn’t difficult enough to make decisions regarding the end of your life and your estate beyond your lifetime, you are also expected to learn and understand a slew of new words and phrases. What are the main phrases you must know to be able to plan and understand your estate? Here’s our breakdown:

Beneficiary: A beneficiary is someone who receives an inheritance through a will. Beneficiaries can be designated on certain financial assets, such as retirement accounts and life insurance policies. These designated beneficiaries will supercede the will.

Bequest: A bequest is a provision in a will that leaves property or assets to someone specific.

What Is It?

A Discretionary Trust is another type of trust that is commonly used by a grantor seeking to distribute assets to a class of people or their family. Unlike a mandatory trust which requires distributions of income and principal be made according to a set schedule that is executed in the trust document, discretionary trusts allow the trustee to make determinations about when and how much beneficiaries are to receive in capital and income from the trust. Beneficiaries of discretionary trusts do not have entitlement to a specific interest in the trust, they have a right to be considered for the appointment of property or income from the trust

When and Why To Use a Discretionary Trust

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