Articles Posted in Senior Health Care

Subtitled “Getting Older Without Getting Old” this new book starts with the premise “…imagine bringing a whole lifetime of knowledge, experience, skills, talent, relationships, wisdom (and, let’s face it, money) to two or three more decades ahead of you in which to leverage all those assets into an ongoing wonderful experience.” With the Baby Boomer generation far outliving and “outhealthing” any prior generation, we are in the era of the “superager”, founded upon seven pillars.

Attitude: Believing in exciting new possibilities, optimism is a major life extender. Purposes and goals are a result of an active curiosity about the potential for the gift of these years. Practice a positive thinking booster program everyday. Search for “positivity apps” and get daily positive quotes. They work!

Awareness: Whereas older adults previously accepted the advice of professionals as gospel, today’s superagers are avid consumers of information. The challenge today is the approach to information gathering and the curating of the “informational torrent”. Tips and techniques for searching and filing your information are provided.

While studying the topic of dementia, your writer was surprised to learn that the single most effective preventative measure would be for more of the hard-of-hearing to wear hearing aids. Studies show that only one in six persons who needs a hearing aid actually uses one and the average person waits ten years before seeking treatment for hearing loss.

As discussed previously in this column, social engagement is the number one factor in maintaining one’s mental facilities as we age. It make sense then, that age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, would diminish social engagement leading to social isolation, cognitive decline and anxiety. Quality hearing aids today may be obtained over-the-counter without a prescription. Check your hearing online by googling “free on-line hearing screening”, downloading the app Mimi, or visiting, sponsored by Johns Hopkins. A visit to an audiologist (covered by Medicare) is recommended, however, to rule out any physical causes.

Video calling, widely available today, gives you the benefit of seeing the speaker’s facial expressions and lip movements, helping listeners better understand what they’re hearing. On video you can watch the same show or movies together, even adding other parties. You can also virtually “attend” an event that you cannot make it to in-person.

Federal workers are currently reminding the country’s health care workers that withholding treatment due to an individual’s disability is frequently illegal. Withholding services in such a way is illegal even if resources are few.

The US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights is currently informing providers that civil rights liberties for disabled individuals are still “full force” despite the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a statement, the Department stated that civil rights law remains regardless of what happens including pandemics and that it is vital that the country works to make sure that fairness exists for all patients.

Additionally, the Department stated that the pandemic has illuminated the disparities that exist in the healthcare system and provided healthcare workers with the chance to resolve these disparities. 

The Department of Health and Human Services through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently notified states that they have one more year to utilize funding from the American Rescue Plan to bolster both community- and home-based services for Medicaid recipients who require long-term care support and service. The policy represents the most recent action by the Biden administration to improve the field of health care as well as to help individuals receive in settings of the patient’s choice while also reducing reliance on care from institutions.

A Secretary from the Health and Human Services has commented that all individuals deserve the dignity to reside in their home and surrounding community and that the existing Administration remains focused on guarding these rights. Due to funding from the President’s American Rescue Plan, the secretary also commented that the organization is focused on expanding community- and home- based services for aging and/or disabled adults throughout the country. The secretary also noted that the Department is working with each state to make sure that the state has adequate time as well as support to improve their home care systems.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has commented that the Biden  Administration is focused on increased community- and home-based care for the elderly and disabled. Due to the additional plan, the Center has commented, additional funds will support individuals with Medicaid to live in a location that they choose. With the extension, the Center is focused on meeting state concerns, giving states the necessary resources to improve care connections in communities and homes.

State audits have the potential to impact 15 million individuals including 6 million children losing their health insurance. Some state workers are concerned that they might lack the resources to aid people in finding new insurance coverage. 

The existing federal public health emergency will expire this year, which will subsequently trigger a requirement that state workers must examine Medicaid to determine who qualifies as eligible. Over the last two years, these audits have been suspended. With the resumption of these adults, up to 15 million individuals are losing their medical insurance.

The Role of the Biden Administration

Congressional efforts to revise the country’s mail service might come at the cost of an even more nuanced issue involving Medicare.

The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 would help to free post office costs by resolving the unusual and challenging legal requirement to fund 75 years of retirement health benefits in advance. In return, this Act would require future Postal Service retirees to participate in Medicare.

The Congressional Budget Office reports that the movie would save postal retirement as well as healthcare programs more than $5 billion and add more than $5 billion in costs to Medicare from now until 2031.

Over the last few years, Covid-19 has caused many people to think deeply about health issues. Now that the height of the pandemic has passed, many people are left wondering how this has impacted long-term care insurance.

A noticeable increase in long-term care insurance has occurred following the summer of 2020 as reported by many medical experts. Many people who previously rejected long-term care coverage have since changed their opinions.

What Is Long-Term Care Insurance?

Nursing Homes See Lost of Deficiency Appeals

The Nursing Home regulations permit nursing homes to appeal a deficient issue for which they are cited for not meeting federal care standards in situations where the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services implements a fine against the deficiency.

The Center for Medicaid Services often focuses on financial penalties for nursing care centers whose deficiencies directly harm or jeopardize residents. The Center for Medicare Services success in most appeals involving administrative issues, but it seems other harms, as well as deficiencies as well as associated penalties, are resolved away from the appeal process. Consequently, more details about transparency with the nursing facility process are more plainly needed. 

Assisted living has become a more popular residential selection for elderly individuals who need help performing daily living tasks. Regulations that apply to these populations, however, vary between states. Meanwhile, little study has been performed on care outcomes.

New studies evaluated end-of-life care provided at assisted living facilities. These studies determined that in states with less restrictive regulations, people who reside at assisted living facilities are less likely to pass away at hospice or home. This stands as an important gauge of the quality of care provided by assisted living facilities.

The Role of Assisted Living Communities

Biden-era legislatures are currently debating improving a Trump administration regulation associated with Medicare due to increasing pressure from Democrats. Also called a direct contracting model, the program implemented during the Trump administration lets private companies enroll in Medicare as health department members to revise and better care while keeping government costs as low as possible. 

The measure has fallen under scrutiny from Democrats who are concerned that the Biden administration is laying a path for Medicare to become private by keeping the measure intact.

Senator Warren Criticizes Model

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