The sequester cut deadline came and went late last week without action in DC. This will not come as a surprise to observers of the situation, but that doesn’t mean the unrolling of the cuts did not cause severe worry and concern for those affected. One group that is raising alarm about the possible consequences of keeping the cuts in place is the long-term care industry. In short, the industry is set to lose millions of dollars in reimbursements, and many are concerned that the losses will affect the quality of care provided to all in the homes, including current residents.
AQNHC Care Report
Last week, in anticipation of the sequester cuts, the Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care (AQNHC) released a report which demonstrated how the Medicare cuts included in the automatic budget reductions will affect traditional nursing homes. Most long-term stays at nursing homes are covered under Medicaid (not Medicare). However, shorter, rehabilitative stays connected to a hospital discharge are covered by Medicare. Right now, if no compromise is reached on the sequest cuts, then an across the board Medicare cut of 2% will take effect on April 1st.