One important purpose of estate planning is to ensure that as many assets as possible pass on to friends, families, and charities–instead of Uncle Sam. Using trusts and other legal arrangements to structure an inheritance is a prudent move for all New York families, but particularly those with sizeable assets. Taxes at both the state and federal level can take a significant chunk out of any inheritance. There are many high-profile cases of individual who failed to take advantage of all the planning tools at their disposal, resulting in an inflated tax bill. The estate of actor James Gandolfini’s, settled in New York, is just one recent example of how millions can be lost to taxes.
Illegally Cutting Corners
Unfortunately, some families may be tempted to cut corners and resort to illegal conduct in order to prevent the government from collecting on a large tax bill. The temptation to act in this manner is even higher when prudent estate planning is not conducted at the outset.