As recent article in the Star Tribune put it, all but the wealthiest of us have moved from an “inheritance” society to “let’s make sure Mom and Dad have enough to live out their lives scenario.”
Ten years ago Americans expected more inheritance from their parents than they do now. Longevity has generated the need for more retirement money which in turn has led to a decrease in the total assets left to others. In addition, our New York estate planning attorneys know that the recent economic crisis has exacerbated the situion, trimming nest eggs and making it hard for many to cover their elevated health care costs and other financial obligations.
All of these issues were recently touched on in the StarTribune article. It noted that for those who reach age 65, 40% of the men and 53% of the women will live to at least 85. Since most of their income derives from Social Security, it creates a situation where they seek support from their children instead of living off a nest egg to pass on to those children.