Articles Posted in Estate Planning

Many parents with adult children find the idea of discussing their estate plans uncomfortable, embarrassing, or unnecessary. Few parents want to think about their mortality or bring up the subject with their kids. Concerns about family fights over parts of the estate, which child is getting what, or reliance on a future inheritance also put parents off from discussing their plans with their children; however, there are some great benefits both emotionally and financially that can come with sharing your plans with your children.

Telling your children ahead of time about your estate plans allows you as parents to explain your decisions and lets the children plan their lives accordingly. Feedback from the children can also have an effect on your estate plans that you can implement before it is too late. In some cases, there can even be tax benefits involved. Full disclosure of estate plans may not be right for every family, but here are five reasons why it might be worthwhile to share your estate planning with your children.

You Can Settle Any Issues

For wealthy donors who wish to put their name on a building, beware. There can be a lot of disappointment for donors who give away large sums of money, thinking that they would get to see their name on a building or institution like a university, science lab, or cultural center but end up in a legal battle instead.

Naming Rights and More

The best way to ensure that this type of drama is avoided is for donors to clearly state their wishes in a detailed, legally binding document. Donors need to make sure that all payment terms, signage, publicity, and deadlines for work to be done are also set within the contract. Each party should know exactly what they are agreeing to.

One estate planning scam is growing in popularity for people who are looking to begin crafting their estate plan and have amassed wealth or business over their lifetimes. The estate planning aggregator claims to do comprehensive planning for people who have concerns about taxes on their wealth or business issues in their estate.

Estate Planning Aggregator

An aggregator is a person who claims to do comprehensive estate planning for individuals with complex estates. Typically, they recommend that you purchase a “wealth blueprint” or something similarly named for tens of thousands of dollars that will detail how exactly your estate will be taken care of.

One New York resident, now 65 years old and in retirement, has amassed a Las Vegas chip collection worth an estimated $500,000 over the course of two decades. However, he is childless, and no one in his extended family has expressed an interest in keeping the collection. He is also concerned that they will sell the collection for far less than its actual worth. Collectors can spend a lifetime accumulating things like baseball cards, comic books, casino chips, and art. However, too often these collectors do not think about what to do with these collections once they pass away.

The Need for Proper Planning

Many collectors hope that someone in their family or group of friends will enjoy their collection enough to keep it and maintain what they have done. Others think that another collector will pay a lot of money to their heirs for what they have amassed and assume that the heirs know what it is worth. Some hope that their collections will be donated to a museum in order to be displayed for posterity. However, none of these plans can be known for certain without proper estate planning.

If you want to lower your overall taxes for this year, now is the time to act. The opportunities to cut taxes on your overall bill are reduced dramatically after December 31. Many taxpayers forget about these opportunities or act too late to take advantage. In addition, Congress has yet to enact any intense tax changes this year, unlike the changes made in 2013. In fact, legislators have not moved on dozens of taxpayer friendly provisions that expire January 1.

Provisions that are Ending

One of the most popular provisions on the chopping block is a law that allows owners of individual retirement accounts who are 70½ and older to give up to $100,000 of their IRA assets directly to charity each year. In addition, a federal write-off for state sales taxes instead of state income taxes and a deduction of up to $4,000 a year for qualified expenses for college or other post-high school education may also end this year.

Part of proper estate planning means safeguarding not only your physical, tangible assets but your digital assets, as well. Many people do not protect these assets for a variety of reasons: a few do not think that it is important, some do not know how, and others simply do not want to think of the prospect of estate planning. However, protecting your digital assets can be easy and doing so will not only give you some peace of mind but will do so for your loved ones, too.

Why You Should Protect Digital Assets

You can do and buy just about anything online nowadays, and most of it you can accomplish with the phone in your pocket. Digital assets are more plentiful than ever, and you might not be aware of how much you have actually amassed in this form. One study by McAfee, a computer protection company, found that the average person has over $35,000 worth of digital assets on various devices that they own.

With the end of the year approaching, it is good time to review your estate plan and take care of any last minute financial chores before any new tax and estate planning laws take effect for the following year. Here are eight basic items to check off of your to-do list as the end of the year approaches:

Review your Current Retirement Accounts

With the stock market rebounding this year and other market indexes at all-time highs, it is important to revisit your current retirement accounts and consider reallocating your asset distribution within your retirement accounts. It is also a good chance to see if you are on track with your contributions for the year, especially if your employer matches your contribution to the account. Even if you can’t make the maximum this year, consider bumping up your contributions until the end of the year.

The federal estate tax is no longer the biggest concern for many people going through the estate planning process. However, this was not always the case. In 2004, any estate worth more than $1.5 million, or whose estate owner made gifts above that limit while alive, were subject to federal tax at top rates of almost 50%. There was extreme uncertainty as the federal tax levels bounced around from year to year and even disappeared entirely in 2010, which made effective planning exceedingly difficult.

Finally, last year Congress set up a new estate and gift tax rate, topped at 40%, and raised the exemption level to $5.34 million per person. Each year that number is adjusted for inflation and the level is expected to be set at $5.43 million per person next year.

New Tax Saving Opportunities

Despite the strong standards that are set by the state and federal governments that are supposed to ensure that our elderly nursing home residents receive good care, a recent federal study found that over one third of all short term patients who enter a nursing home for rehabilitation are harmed. Moreover, the study found that almost sixty percent of the harm caused to these residents could have been preventable.

Federal Nursing Home Study

The report, published by the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, studied the number of adverse events occurring in skilled nursing facilities across the United States. The experts discovered that an estimated 22% of Medicare beneficiaries suffered an “adverse event” during their stay at a nursing home facility, and an additional eleven percent suffered a temporary harm during their time at a facility.

Not only is it important to create an estate plan that documents your final wishes for your estate and medical choices, but it is equally important to remember where those documents are when they are needed. Family members or close friends need to know where they can locate your estate planning documents in the time just before or after your passing. If someone does not know where these documents are kept, it could mean that your final wishes are not fulfilled.

Problems with Lost Documents

Being unable to find estate planning documents can have a drastic effect on your final wishes. One man wished to be buried at Arlington Cemetery after he had died, but his son could not find the paperwork after his passing. The cemetery offered to place his father in cold storage for six months while the son tracked down the proper forms documenting his military discharge. He eventually found it being used as a bookmark in his father’s home.

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