Articles Posted in Estate Planning

Saving for the cost of your child’s or grandchild’s college education can be intimidating. Participating in a qualified tuition program, also known as a 529 college savings plan, that is administered by the State of New York can be an effective part of your estate plan, and a great way to save for college tuition.

What is a 529 Plan?

When you (the “participant”) enroll in a 529 savings plan, you open a special account with the sponsoring state program. This account is a tax-advantaged account that helps you pay for your designated beneficiary’s qualified higher education expenses, including tuition, fees, room and board, and required books.

Without you around to clarify your testamentary intent, those receiving property, and likely those intentionally omitted from your will, might battle over your estate for years. There are many potential sources of dispute, but there are steps you can take to make sure your intent is carried out without an ongoing legal battle after you pass on.

Common Sources of Dispute

  • One child may have received more financial help over the years while the decedent was alive, and the will or trust does not take into account this prior assistance, which may leave the other children or beneficiaries with a sense of unfairness.

Some clients may ask, “what happens if we lose the original will; is the court still going to let it be admitted to probate?” The short answer is, as always, maybe. As a general rule of thumb, New York courts are very reluctant to admit a copy of a will. If the original is lost, there is a presumption that a copy may not be the true will. It could be outdated, older version of the testator’s wishes. Maybe the original will was destroyed, and the person presenting the copy is trying to defraud the estate. These and more are just examples of concerns that judges may have. However, there are proactive steps that can be taken early in the estate-planning process to avoid this unfortunate complication.

New York Law Does Allow Lost or Destroyed Wills to be Admitted

Under Section 1407 of the New York Code, the following things must be shown in order to admit a lost or destroyed will to probate.

Many people wish to leave a large inheritance to their children. This is one of the greatest generational wealth-building tools in our society. However, what does one do when the next generation is less than responsible? Or, more commonly, what does one do when an adult child is mentally impaired in some way? To leave a large amount of money to such an individual would spell almost certain disaster, because much of the money could be lost in a short period of time. Likewise, an irresponsible or incompetent person could easily be taken advantage of, thereby losing the bulk of his or her inheritance. The answer for some is a spendthrift trust.

What is a spendthrift trust?

Trusts, unlike wills, offer the creator the option of controlling how money is dispersed and spent for as long as funds remain. This “eternal control” offers many individuals greater comfort and peace of mind, knowing that their heirs will be provided for in the best way possible.

Although most couples make similar wills that leave their estate to their children and other loved ones, some may have reasons why they prefer to distribute their assets differently. For instance, people who marry later in life might have children from previous marriages. In those circumstances, they may ask their estate planning attorneys to create contracts that ensure the bulk of their estate goes to their own children, as opposed to letting the surviving spouse leaving everything to his or her children instead.

These cases can get messy. Once a person dies and leaves his or her estate to a spouse, that surviving spouse is free to dispose of everything freely without concern for the deceased spouse’s wishes.

Markey v. Estate of Markey

Today, everything is online. People build complex virtual realities through social media, professional and personal websites, and even dating sites. We date online, buy groceries online, sell everything from books to brake pads online, and we even register stars online. So, naturally when we die, there is a lot of personal information about us still available on the Web. After all, the Internet does not come to a screeching halt just because one person passes away. Some have even asked attorneys if they can leave their virtual reality to a loved one. In some ways, the answer may be yes.

But one might ask, what becomes of all that information? What if we own a business or have a public brand, such as a celebrity or business owner? Believe it or not, there are several interesting ways that people can preserve their virtual presence after death and even leave certain intangible benefits found uniquely in the virtual world.

Facebook Legacy Accounts

In this tight economy, people are always looking for value. Budget options are popping up in every industry, from substandard tires to refurbished televisions. Some even view legal services this way. Let’s face it; folks do not want to pay top dollar for a product they will never use. This is the plight of estate planning. The one who pays for a will or trust will never personally use it. Instead, that individual’s children will be using it to ensure things go right later. Even tools like powers of attorney are created many years before their intended use. Much like passive investing in a 401(k), these are purchases that may not truly prove their value for decades. Naturally, many are turning to low cost DIY form providers, and worse yet, office supply stores, in order to create their estate plan.

While the Internet is full of attorneys and other experts who strongly oppose these DIY options, you may be surprised how many lawyers love Legal Zoom and its kindred. Here are 3 big reasons why experienced attorneys love DIY estate plans.

Litigation is far more expensive than skilled estate planning

Attorneys strongly advise gay and lesbian clients to prepare their estate plans, because the law generally would not offer many of the same protections as it does heterosexual couples. But following the recent Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), misinformation abounds, especially on the Internet, regarding whether LGBT seniors should bother considering estate planning now that marriage is an option for all. The short answer is a resounding yes.

Here are just a few benefits of estate planning that elderly LGBT clients can and should take advantage of, regardless of their marital status.

Wills & Trusts

It seems estate-planning attorneys are often asked to help clients avoid probate. In fact, this is typically one of the first questions people ask in a consultation. There are likely many reasons why people are so focused on probate avoidance, not the least of which is probably a wide misunderstanding of the process. Perhaps family members have told horror stories of oppressive attorney fees or family feuds that destroyed close relationships. Nevertheless, probate is not a dirty word. While probate is a perfectly useful process for disposing of a person’s estate, there are a few points to consider.

A last will and testament does not necessarily avoid probate

Many people mistakenly believe that having a will means not having to go through probate. This is not always the case. While every state has different rules, New York only requires probate if a person dies with more than $30,000 of probate assets. Not every asset is subject to probate. For instance, joint accounts, properties held in joint tenancy, life insurance accounts, 401(k) accounts, generally any asset that has a beneficiary designation, and assets held in trusts are not included in the probate estate. The will simply tells the probate court what the decedent wanted. It also usually waives an executor’s bond requirement and provides a more streamlined method of moving through the process.

An estimated 50 million American households now include a child being raised by a grandparent. Even more households include multi-generational families, where 3 and 4 generations live together. Even the Whitehouse included such an arrangement, as President Obama’s own grandmother resided with his family until her death just before the 2008 election.

But with more Americans than ever raising their grandchildren, there is even more urgency for aging caregivers to consider early estate planning. Without wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, elderly grandparents may find their estates being paid to adult children who have no been a part of their lives for many years. Here are just a few ways that estate plans may be used to protect grandchildren and the grandparents who raise them.

Wills and Trusts

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