Rules of required minimum distribution (“RMD”) within defined contribution plan retirement funds, are usually relatively little while a participant is still alive. Previously, the rules to RMD were less favorable depending on the terms and conditions of the plan, and form of distribution elected, as well as the relationship between the participant and the beneficiary, and the beneficiary’s age. Now, surviving spouses can benefit from transfer of defined benefits from pension fund accounts to a spousal rollover independent retirement account (“IRA”). The latest rule treatment of RMD payout, surviving spouses and designated beneficiaries can now extend the distribution period.
Calculation of RMDs at Time of Death
When a defined contribution plan participant dies calculation of RMDs (and proxy for beneficiaries 10 years or fewer years younger than the participant) no longer coincides with the Uniform Lifetime Table. The Single Life Table applied to RMDs accorded surviving spouses and beneficiaries of participants, has traditionally afforded a shorter distribution period. Without adequate transfer option, designated beneficiaries have been forced to accept double-sized distributions after the participant’s death. The former rules also prevented surviving spouses from remarrying due to Joint and Last Survivor Table distribution restrictions.