Articles Posted in Elder Law

All those with an eye toward New York Medicaid planning have been closely following the actions of the federal “Super Committee.” This unique federal, bipartisan committee was charged with coming up with a long-term federal deficit reduction plan totaling $1.2 trillion over 10 years. Failure to reach an agreement on any plan will trigger automatic and deep cuts to a variety of federal funding areas, including Medicaid. Considering that New York Medicaid programs are funded jointly by the federal government and state government (including local governing bodies), the Super Committee’s decision (or lack of decision) may ultimately have significant impact on local program participants.

We now know that the Super Committee has reportedly not reached an agreement. This means that the triggered cuts will likely take effect, so long as national leaders don’t reach some other agreement. This presents a troublesome situation for all those who rely on these programs for basic services; though it remains unknown exactly what effect the potential cuts will have on local residents. In a pre-emptive move, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent a letter to the state’s congressional delegation last week urging them to do everything in their power to prevent blanket cuts that may do much more long-term fiscal harm than good.

In the letter, reprinted in the Times Union, the Governor reminded our state’s federal delegation that the Super Committee’s actions or the resulting automatic cuts will “have a direct and significant impact on the finances and economy of the state of New York.” Recognizing the long-term viability problems caused by our current federal debt, the Governor argued that progress can be made on the debt front without taking an axe to New York Medicaid and other programs that local citizens have come to rely on.

Last week the Director of the New York State Office for the Aging held the first-ever New York Caregiving and Respite Coalition Conference. Over 120 participants attended the event, which was meant to honor all those family members across the state who provide vital services to their friends and family members in need of New York elder care or disability assistance. Literally hundreds of millions of caregiving hours are provided every year in informal settings by community members who provide anything from around the clock help to periodic aid to seniors and disabled residents. As an AARP report last month revealed, the value of the senior care services provided free of charge dwarfs the total care provided by public bodies, usually via Medicaid. Specifically, the report found that New York coffers alone are saved $3.2 billion because of the work of these friends and family members.

Recognizing the sacrifices made by so many family members was at the heart of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s issuance of a proclamation declaring November as Caregiver Recognition Month. In making the statement at last week’s conference, the Governor explained of family caregivers that “their commitment, generosity and dedication make a profound difference in the lives of others and reflects the best of the Empire State.”

Our New York elder law attorneys know the impact that family caregivers have on the lives on their loved ones–and on the state’s entire elder care system. As the Governor explained in his address, the state estimates that more than 50% of senior New Yorkers would likely be placed in institutional settings without the aid of unpaid caregivers. These nursing homes and other special facilities are rarely the preferred living option of seniors who are almost always happier when they age in place, close to their loved ones.

The Bellingham Herald discussed an often overlooked but vital matter that is of serious concern to our New York elder law estate planning attorneys: elder financial exploitation. Our work helping local residents avoid the probate process, save taxes, and plan for disability, involves elements of trust and relationship-building. Yet, we understand that there are some criminals who are bent on building up trust with seniors only to use their position of influence for their own gain. These fraudulent actors can be found in various settings, from nursing homes and assisted living facilities to one’s own network of friends and family. All local seniors must remain alert to these dangers.

Prevention is particularly important with elder financial abuse, because after the crime is perpetrated there is often little that authorities can do to correct the harm. The Herald story discussed one senior who lost nearly $775,000 in a scheme in which he thought he was investing money only to learn that it was being stolen. The company in which he invested filed for bankruptcy and as was later described as a mere Ponzi scheme. The man leading the fraudulent enterprise was arrested, but the money taken from the senior victim was gone.

Some advocates are raising concerns about the tools available to authorities to help these victims, making it difficult to protect them before they suffer actual financial harm. For example, at the time the victim described in this story began dealing with the fraudulent investor, that investor was already the target of multiple ethics probes for misappropriation of client funds and had actually been charged with a crime. Yet nothing was done to stop the criminal from swindling others. One advocate explained that this case is far from unique. He noted, “It is a common complaint in fraud cases involving the elderly: prosecutors, social service agencies, and attorney regulators are often slow to act, and by the time they do, the damage is done.” Prosecutorial inexperience handling these cases is part of the problem. In addition, some claim that local police officials are not properly trained to handle these matters.

The AARP Public Policy Institute recently released a new report discussing the contributions that family members nationwide make to caring for their elderly family members. Recent news has focused on how local, state, and federal governments will handle the burdens of caring for an aging population. Yet, as this new report points out, the costs bore by family caregivers actually dwarfs that spent by these public bodies. It is a reminder that long-term care planning remains more than just a necessity for seniors but also for their entire family.

The size of the numbers is undeniable. Roughly 42 million family members are acting as caregivers for their senior loved ones at any point in time, with nearly 62 million providing at least some support throughout the year. In economic terms, these caregivers provide over $450 billion in annual, unpaid care. That total is up 20% from two years before ($375 billion). These totals include the contributions of millions of area residents who provide support for aging family members whose New York elder care planning went awry or whose plan was nonexistent. The financial estimates are actually conservative. They do not account for care given by those under the age of 18. They also do not include caregivers who provide assistance outside of basic daily living tasks, like help with bathing, dressing, managing medications, and aid with finances.

It is helpful to put these family-provided long-term elder care costs into context. The $450 billion annual sum is more than the total Medicaid spending, for both basic health and long-term support services. When looking only at Medicaid support for senior care, the costs bore by families is four times larger. Researchers believe that the $75 billion increase in the previous two years was primarily caused by an increase in the total number of caregivers and hours of care provided. In other words, the allotted value of the work ($11.16 per hour) remained constant over that period of time.

On Wednesday Congressman Ted Deutch published an editorial in Politico advocating on behalf of a stalled federal initiative known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS). The measure was hailed as the first federal attempt to address the nation’s long-term care crisis. All those in our area who have dealt with the complexities and expense of finding proper New York elder care are likely familiar with this crisis. CLASS was part of the high-profile Affordable Care Act that passed Congress, but CLASS was recently suspended by the President.

The Representative explained that CLASS was essentially a means by which middle class families could have a voluntary and affordable long-term care insurance option. An important part of the CLASS program that needed to be addressed was the idea of “adverse selection”–the notion that insurance would only be bought by those who already needed the care. Of course, the maximum benefit is derived only when individuals have this insurance plan in place ahead of time. The measure is currently stalled specifically because of concerns about adverse selection. Yet, many, including Representative Deutch, believe that federal officials have statutory power to implement anti-adverse-selection measures.

CLASS was pushed by those who understand the looming problem facing the long-term care system. Only five percent of Americans have long-term care insurance, even though seventy to seventy five percent of all Americans will need some form of long-term care. The gap is often replaced by federal programs, like Medicaid. The Congressman explained that the reliance on Medicaid is unsustainable at the federal level. This is in addition to the fact that qualifying for Medicaid often requires residents to spend themselves into poverty, especially when planning is absent. Fixing the problem before it gets worse was the motivation behind CLASS. The measure hopes to steer residents away from the most expensive institutionalized care to more balanced programs that encourage cost-effective and resident-focused community care. Besides the cost savings, these programs are almost always preferred by seniors, because they allow them to live at home, maximizing their freedom.

Last week Reuters discussed the growing number of adult Americans who are financially supporting their senior parents. As the author quips, many of these residents have becomes the “Bank of Sons and Daughters” after the recent financial crisis decimated the savings of many elderly family members. According to MetLife‘s new National Health and Retirement Study, the percentage of adult children spending time and money on their parent’s care has tripled in the last decade and a half. This comes as no surprise to our New York elder law attorneys who know that rising long-term care costs, the economic downturn, and failure to plan ahead for senior care places many families in tough situations when a loved one ages and needs extra day-to-day care.

The MetLife data found that roughly a quarter of all adults are currently providing at least some financial assistance to their parents. A similar survey from suggests that adult children may be providing even more support, as thirty two percent of respondents said they’ve spent at least $5,000 on their parents’ living expenses within the last year. A large majority of that group admitted that supporting their parents leads them to worry about their own long-term financial situation. As one researcher involved in the data collection explained, “There are just a ton of families where the second or third generation needs to help the first generation. People are asking, a lot, about how to do it.”

Not only does financially supporting aging parents often place stress on the finances of the adult children, but, if not done properly, it may actually be harmful to the senior. As each New York elder law attorney at our firm has explained to local residents, it is important to properly tailor financial gifts such that they don’t inadvertently disqualify the parent from government benefits. Certain programs are in place to help seniors receive the care they need even if they do not have the resources to purchase it. However, qualification for those programs, such as New York Medicaid, is based on need. If adult children do not take those qualifications into account, they may unknowingly complicate their parent’s program participation.

It is no surprise that only 9% of Baby Boomers stated in a new Associated Press poll that they were “strongly convinced” that they would be able to live comfortably when they retired. With financial affairs in flux for many members of the 77-million strong Baby Boomer generation, many are beginning to reevaluate their retirement plans. Our New York elder law estate planning attorneys know that a growing number of local residents find themselves worrying about whether they will be able to live out their golden years in comfort.

One single 53-year old woman profiled in an Associated Press story on the Baby Boomer retirement situation explained that she once planned to retire at sixty and move to the beach. Those plans changed when her pension was eliminated five years ago, her personal investments tanked, and her home of 21 years lost half its value. Now she is not sure what her future holds, but she doesn’t expect to move any time soon. When asked about potentially moving when he retired, a 60-year old small business owner explained, “It just depends on what happens to the economy. I’d like to find someplace warmer and doesn’t have the high taxes, but we’ll just have to see.” Many local residents find themselves in the same situation.

The latest poll on the topic found that about 60% of Boomers had retirement plans, personal investments, and real estate that lost value in the latest recession. As a result, more than half of that group expects to delay their retirement. According to the research, 73% of respondents claimed that they will continue to do some work even after they retire. These delayed retirement plans have also led many Boomers to admit that they no longer expect to move out of their current home, and a majority claim that they plan to live out their golden years exactly where they are now. Other priorities for soon-to-be retirees include living near their children and being close to necessary medical care.

The aging of the population both in our state and throughout the country is leading many community members to re-think the best way to provide long-term care for seniors when they reach their golden years. In the past, options for seniors were few and far between. In most cases a senior lived on their own for as long as they could. When extra care was needed it was provided by a close relative if possible. If no relative was able to provide the care, or the senior’s needs were more than a relative could handle, then the individual ended up in a nursing home. Most seniors in our area were unable to pay for that nursing home care on their own, and so it was paid for by New York Medicaid programs. However, most of the seniors’ assets built up over a lifetime were lost to pay for the care or to qualify for Medicaid participation.

Recently, there has been an explosion in new options available to area seniors and their families, particularly for those families that take the time to visit with a New York elder law attorney to plan ahead for this stage in life. For example, many assisted-living facilities have been built which allow seniors to receive day-to-day aid from professionals while keeping much more independence than that found in traditional nursing homes. Other services are popping up which allow seniors to receive extra care without leaving their home at all.

For example, this week Bright Days Home Care, a new “senior companion” service announced that it was opening its doors to provide assistance for local residents. The New York elder care service provides companions to visit the homes of seniors on a particular schedule to provide any manner of aid necessary. This new service provides non-medical care, which may include anything from buying groceries and making dinner to cleaning the house and chatting with the senior about their day. In addition, the company’s founder explains that the at-home service also helps local families find other resources. She notes that they “are committed to ensuring that people are aware of the plethora of options that are available.”

The New York elder law estate planning attorneys at our firm have worked for years with local GLBT residents on the unique issues that they face when planning for their long-term financial, social, and physical well being. Even though New York leveled the playing field this year by passing legislation which allowed same sex couples to marry, these families continue to face complexities in their planning because of inequalities at the federal level. Same sex couples still need to take special steps to ensure that their assets are protected and distributed according to their wishes.

Beyond estate planning needs, senior members of the GBLT community also continue to face unique challenges when planning for their long-term well being. The latest research reported in MetLife’s “Out and Aging Study” found that three out of four GLBT seniors lived alone. In addition, these seniors are much less likely to have children than their heterosexual counterparts. As a result they are often less likely to have relatives able to help care for them as they age. Of course, GLBT seniors encounter the same problems as they as age as the rest of the community, and so these demographic differences mean that they have a particular need to conduct New York elder care planning to ensure necessary resources will be available in their golden years.

Unfortunately, our New York elder law attorneys know that many GLBT seniors fail to properly plan for their long-term healthcare needs. Many elder care advocates recognize the unique vulnerabilities of these seniors and are working to help. In an effort to provide the necessary aid, this weekend local officials announced the opening of the nation’s first GLBT Senior Center. As explained in the New York Examiner, the Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders Center (SAGE) is expected to open in January in Manhattan. GLBT seniors in all five New York City boroughs will be able to benefit from the facility. As Mayor Bloomberg noted during the announcement, “The needs of seniors have evolved since senior centers were created fifty years ago, and now is the time to re-envision the one-size-fits-all approach that has traditionally shaped many of our centers.”

An article yesterday at Forbes explored an issue that has been dubbed “the ticking time bomb of eldercare.” It is well known that many families are forced to adapt their lifestyle once they start having children to make concessions for childcare. However, our New York elder law attorneys know that many families are also forced to make similarly tough decisions to account for eldercare when aging parents are in need of day-to-day assistance. Many local residents still fail to appreciate the demands placed upon adult children and other loved ones when a senior reaches the point where they cannot live on their own without help. The challenges are particularly harsh for local residents when no elder care planning has been conducted ahead of time to ensure that resources are available to provide the needed aid.

Yesterday’s article explains how eldercare expectations are very much rooted in old cultural norms. Specifically, in many families it is assumed that daughters will take care of parents as they age. Decades ago this was more logical as women were far less likely to be in the workforce and were more often available in their homes to assist parents throughout the day. However, those old realities are less and less true. Many more women have careers just as demanding as men. It is no longer easier for many adult daughters fit the care of their elderly parents into their lifestyle. Yet, cultural expectations persist, often making daughters disproportionately more responsible than sons for ensuring the well-being of their elders.

This cultural pressure may affect some women more than others. In particular, women with family backgrounds rooted in certain cultures–including Russia, India, China, and others–often face immense pressure to provide eldercare. For some that means ending a career that has taken a lifetime to build. As the authors of one study on the topic noted, “Eldercare is a serious issue…because its obligations and attendant guilt derail woman who are just hitting the peak of their careers.”

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