It is no secret that the country is aging. More Americans are retiring and drifting into their golden years now then ever before. What’s more is that there is not a similarly-sized generation, meaning the percentage of elderly individuals is rising sharply.
All of this is leading many to evaluate the current state of elder care. As the population ages we will undoubtedly need more and more resources to provide the care that often comes with old age. For many, this is the first time that they have seriously considered the senior caregiving system in the United States–and many do not like what they see.
In fact, calls to create alternatives to the traditional nursing home system are louder now than they have ever been. For those who have sharp criticisms of the care provided to residents in these skilled nursing facilities, the idea of tens of millions more elderly loved ones being pushed into these facilities is frightening. As elder law attorneys often explain, the nursing home is usually the “last resort” for good reason.