NEW YORK RULE ON ARBITRATION FOR PROBATE DISPUTES The idea of using quasijudicial means to settle disputes is as old as the country itself. More specifically arbitration is a method that parties utilize that is usually cheaper, quicker and often with much less formality, yet still adheres to principles of…
Articles Posted in new york estate planning
VALUABLE ASSET A residential lease in New York City or any desirable locale can provide many benefits. Some people wait years to get into a rent stabilized apartment. There is even a Seinfeld episode where Elaine quips that some people scan the obituaries to see if someone in a…
WITNESS ADVOCATE RULE In New York, as well as perhaps every other jurisdiction, an attorney may not serve as an attorney as well as a witness in the same case. Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3.7 is mandatory and not permissive. It does not matter if it is a bench…
Back to the Basics – Wills and the Blended Family
Ensuring that your family knows what happens to your property and assets after your death is always a challenge. A Will can help make the decision less challenging and provide solid guidance to your family at a difficult time. A Will is a legal document, which decides who receives your…
Planning for the Succession of Your Small Business
A recent Forbes article reported that while most family business owners do have estate plans, many do not update their estate plans regularly. Many circumstances can change over just the course of a few years, which makes a regular review of any estate plan necessary in order to capture planning…