
Articles Posted in New York elder law


How Much Does an Estate to Go Through Probate?

Planning your estate and having a last will and testament is important to ensuring your final wishes are carried out and your heirs receive everything you intend to pass on to them. Whether you are the testator or executor, there are many duties you will need to perform to make…


What is a Qualified Personal Residence Trust?

When planning their estate, many individuals consider setting up some form of trust to avoid family squabbles over assets, particularly the home. To achieve the goal of a smooth transition of assets and maintaining family harmony, most folks choose to set up some form of trust to avoid probate and…


Using Portability to Get the Most Out of your Estate Tax Exemptions

One of the most common estate planning goals for high net worth married couples is to reduce their estate’s tax liability by taking full advantage of state and federal estate tax exemptions. The 2012 Tax Relief, Unemployment Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act (TRA) gave couples much more leeway to plan…


Know the Law: What is a Durable Power of Attorney?

An important consideration in anyone’s estate plan is to consider appointing a trusted individual to make important health and financial decisions in any case where the testator may be incapacitated and unable to act in their best interest. One way to do this is to create a durable power of…


Creating a Succession Plan for Your Business

If you are in sole proprietorship of your business, you have a number of options to hand over your company when it comes time to retirement or pass away unexpectedly. If you do not have partners in your business, you are generally within your right to hand over the entire…


Erie County Department of Senior Services announces Elder Law Day 2017

The Erie County Department of Senior Services recently announced the date for its 17th annual Elder Law Day event. The program will take place from 2pm to 8pm on Thursday, June 22, at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, 120 Church St., Buffalo, New York. The event helps educates seniors and the…


Do Not Forget to Apply for SSI Death Benefits if You are a Surviving Spouse or Child

The passing of a loved one is never an easy event. While families take time to grieve and mourn the loss of a parent or spouse, many estate-related details that can greatly impact the estate’s financial situation may be overlooked. By taking some time to understand what types of benefits…


Elders Caring for Spouses with Alzheimer’s Must Plan for Their Future

Anyone with a spouse stricken by Alzheimer’s disease knows exactly how devastating the condition is on the patient and how taxing it can be on the person administering care. Often times, senior act as primary caregivers to their spouses battling Alzheimer’s, a testament to their love and commitment until the…


What is the Dead Man’s Statute?

When someone passes away, he or she typically has the estate in order by creating a will or trust and designating an executor to oversee the dispersal of assets to named beneficiaries, ensuring a smooth process during a time of grief. However, even the wills and trusts that seem cut…


Which Court Handles Probate Cases in New York?

Barring the creation of a trust, all estates must pass through probate court to certify the estate before assets may be disbursed to beneficiaries. In New York state, every one of the 62-counties has at least one Surrogate Court (New York and Kings Counties have two) to hear all types…

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