
Articles Posted in Manhattan trust law


Can Elderly Parents Be Claimed as Dependents?

Healthcare coverage has been an unsure and confusing issue for both young and elderly citizens over the past decade, with the potential to only become more complicated as a new president takes office. While laws have been amended throughout President Obama’s term to now allow young adults to remain covered…


Inheriting IRAs: A Legacy Full of Potential Pitfalls

If you inherit an individual retirement account, or IRA, there are a few key rules you should be aware of in order to avoid potential legal, financial, and tax issues. Failure to do so could result in a smaller legacy left behind and a headache for your beneficiaries.   Never…


Types of Special Needs Trusts

There are three main types of trusts for special or supplemental needs. Each has their own specific purpose and use, and will apply differently for every party.   First Party Special Needs Trusts The first party special needs trust was developed to be funded with assets owned by the trust…

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