The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a notice to people with disabilities who are employed that for the first time they can now deposit extra money into their ABLE accounts without losing Social Security, Medicaid, or other government benefits. Annual contributions to ABLE accounts are currently capped at $15,000 but…
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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
IRS Sets Higher Estate and Gift Tax Limits for 2019
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced the official estate and gift tax limits for 2019 will increase over the previous year from $11.18 million in 2018 to $11.4 million in 2019 which means married couples can now leave up to $22.8 million in assets to heirs without paying taxes.…
Understanding the Law: What are the rules for Medicaid eligibility?
With the skyrocketing costs of medical care and nursing homes, few people can afford to pay out of pocket costs to live in a long term care facility in their later years and most will eventually need to qualify for Medicaid to do so. Medicaid has essentially become the default…
Where Do I Start? Basics to Include in your Estate Plan
Every single person, regardless of how large or modest they may feel their assets are, needs to have a well thought out estate plan that covers three very basic planning instruments that will serve your best interests. Those three planning instruments include a durable power of attorney, a health care…
Yes, You Need One: Reasons for A Last will and Testament
Having a last will and testament is something that every single person needs to have, regardless of how substantial or modest they feel their estate may be. This because a last will and testament does much more than spell out who receives what part of an estate. A last will…
Overcoming Excuses for Not Having an Estate Plan
Creating an estate plan is an important process every single person needs to undertake in his or her lifetime to ensure their final wishes are carried out and estate assets are distributed properly upon death. Despite this importance, many ordinary people still make excuses with one reason or another why…
Common Estate Planning Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
Planning your estate is an extremely important process and should be taken very seriously in order to avoid hassles or any extra delay that could come with passing your estate through probate or otherwise transferring assets to loved ones and friends. With proper planning and attention to detail, most folks…
Tips for Managing a Family Pot Trust in New York
Family post trusts are a special type of trust that allow a trustee to allocate distributions among a class of beneficiaries and are often implemented because of the increased flexibility they offer regarding distributions. Unfortunately for trustees, administering these trusts is hardly straightforward and he or she will often have…
Study Suggests Older Adults are Not Taking their Prescribed Antidepressants
A recent report by Reuters suggests that many older adults are abstaining from taking their prescribed antidepressants or continuing to use them as directed by their doctors, that according to a Dutch study examined by the news outlet. If true, the study highlights mental health challenges facing millions of people…
Authorities Warn about New Social Security Scam Calls Targeting the Elderly
Authorities across the country are warning of new scams targeting elderly Social Security over the phone, where individuals claiming to be government representatives try to collect sensitive information under the guise of a computer glitch causing issues with benefits. The Social Security Administration has made it very clear that under…