Ask most people if they’ve done their estate planning and a common answer is, “Yes, I have a will.” However, estate planning is not just a plan for death. It’s a plan for life that addresses what happens if you become disabled. About half of us will eventually becoming disabled.…
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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
Strength Training for Seniors
About a year ago, your writer found that he was having trouble doing the yard work and carrying the trash to the curb. I was getting weaker with age and realized that this trend was only going to go in one direction. So I decided to reverse the decline with…
2023 Elder Law Estate Planning Changes
Happy New Year to all! There have been significant changes in the law in a number of areas as of January 1, 2023. The gift tax exclusion, which many people still think is $15,000, is now $17,000, up from $16,000 in 2022. Each person may give up to $17,000 to…
Eight Good Reasons to Plan Your Estate
Makes sure your estate goes to whom you want, when you want, the way you want. Most estate plans leave the assets to the next generation outright (i.e., in their hands) in equal shares. However, with a little bit of thought on your part, and some guidance from an…
Saving Half on the Nursing Home Doorstep
What do you do when a client comes in to see you and says that his mother is going into a nursing home and she has $300,000 in assets. In fact, mom scrimped and saved all of her life to have this nest egg and now she desperately wants to…
Estate Planning for the Estranged Child
All too often a client comes in with a sad tale about an estranged child. Naturally, they are at a loss as to what to do about the situation when it comes to leaving that child an inheritance. Years ago, the famous advice columnist Ann Landers wrote that her all…
Keeping The Lights On
Adapted from author Doug Armey, the following are keys to keeping your brain “lit” as you age. Flow. A sedentary life causes brain deterioration. Blood flow to the brain keeps oxygen in your brain cells which gives them life. Keep moving, walking and get some exercise. Energize. Junk food clogs…
Powers of Attorney Are for Everyone
What happens if you have an accident or an illness whereby you are unable to handle your legal and financial affairs? Many people incorrectly believe their spouse is legally able to handle their affairs. Similarly, a parent has no legal authority to handle the affairs of a child, once the…
The Secure Act and Your IRA
The Secure Act governs distributions from IRA’s and other retirement plans. After the death of the account holder, most named beneficiaries are required to take the funds out over ten years. While the IRS has not finalized the regulations, the safest approach is to take minimum distributions for the first…
Book Review: John Leland’s “Happiness is a Choice You Make”
In his book, subtitled “Lessons From a Year Among the Oldest Old”, journalist John Leland takes us on a journey into uncharted territory. Mr. Leland spent a year with six elderly New Yorkers, exploring their lives. He divides the book into the first six chapters chronicling the years spent with…