Just like individuals engage in estate planning to put their financial and health care needs in order before incapacitation and death, so should businesses. Particularly if your business is family owned, a professional practice, or solo business, making logistical and financial decisions about who will take over your business upon…
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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
Estate Planning after Marriage or Divorce
When major life events like marriage and divorce occur, it is a wise idea to review your estate plan. That’s because these life events have the potential to significantly change a person’s estate plan. The purpose of this article is to review some key factors that you should consider…
Importance of digital asset planning in estate planning
In this post we will discuss why digital assets should be incorporated in the estate planning process just as you incorporate all of your physical assets. We will also explore what are some of the initial steps to take when formulating an estate plan with digital assets. Step One: Understand…
Planning Ahead: Estate Planning and Beneficiary Designations
After creating an estate plan, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have now done everything necessary to plan for the future. In many cases, however, people fail to make sure that all beneficiary designations as well as assets are titled in a way to…
Help! My Father Gifted Me Bitcoin But No One Can Find the Private Key
Estates lawyers are increasingly asked to help surviving family’s members locate cryptocurrencies because their loved one collected them during their lifetime, didn’t include it in their will or updated will, and now no one can find it. Planning for cryptocurrency is more complex than digital asset planning. For starters, cryptocurrency…
Advice on Avoiding Estate Planning Fraud
Three people in Ohio were recently convicted on multiple charges related to a scheme associated with creating and probating a fake will that left the entirety of a $2.2 million estate to a beneficiary and revoked an earlier will the deceased person had executed in 1993. In an additional twist,…
Estate Planning Advice for Investors
Many investors focus on amassing as large a savings as possible, but some also want to create an estate plans to make sure that these assets are passed on to loved ones. By following some proven strategies, it is possible to reduce the amount of associated estate taxes. The…
Can I gift a digital asset?
This post provides an overview of digital assets by defining what a digital asset is and why digital asset planning is so important during the estate planning process. Digital asset defined A digital asset is an electronic record in which an individual has a right or an interest. Presently, the…
Lessons Learned from Hegadorn v. Dept. of Human Services
The Michigan Supreme Court recently decided the case of Hegadorn v. Dept. of Human Services, which involves the Medicaid spend down process. A “spend down” in this context refers to the process of reducing the assets of a person applying for Medicaid so the individual qualifies for Title XIX…
Common Lies that People Hear about Estate Planning
It’s understandable that people avoid estate planning. Plotting for what happens after we die can be a scary and uncomfortable thought process. To make sure that you receive the best care possible and that your loved ones receive assets from your estate, however, it is critical to create an…