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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog


Should Medicaid Planning Be Included in Your Estate Plan?

State plans for medical assistance under federal Medicaid law must comply with certain requirements located in Title 42 U.S.C. § 1396a.4, but do not always do so. In 2018, the United States District Court for the District of Alaska in the case of Disability Law Center of Alaska v. Davidson…


Advice from Sveen v. Melin on the Importance of Beneficiary Designations

In 1997, Ashley Sveen purchased a life insurance policy. Later that year, Ashley married Kaye Melin and named Melin as primary beneficiary on his life insurance policy. Sveen also named his two adult children as contingent beneficiaries.    Several years later, Minnesota amended its revocation on divorce. Sveen and Melin…


Lessons from Groucho Marx: Reducing the Risk of Elder Abuse

By the time that the legendary screen actor and comedian Groucho Marx became a senior citizen, he had a difficult time making a number of decisions regarding his daily life.    During this time, Marx’s companion, Erin Fleming, was accused of elder abuse and experienced a deterioration in his relationship…


Estate Planning Challenges Faced by Unmarried Couples

Statistics show there are an increasing number of older individuals who are divorcing later on in life. There is also an increasing number of individuals who are discovering that living together as an unmarried couple has its advantages.    According to the United States Census Bureau, the number of unmarried…


The Elements of a Successful Inheritance Trust

Creating a successful inheritance trust is not easy. In some situations even when a family believes that they have created a well-written inheritance trust, they have failed to address a number of complexities including those involving incompetency. This article reviews some of the elements that should be included in an…

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