“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” — Homer Sleep, like food and water, is essential for humans to survive. Sleep affects almost every type of tissue and system in the human body. The brain, heart and lungs perform functions while…
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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
Estate Planning Documents All College Students Need
If you are a parent with a college-age child, you likely have many concerns. One often overlooked thing is estate planning. Even though some people think estate planning documents are only necessary for the elderly or wealthy individuals, in reality, these documents are helpful for people who are no longer…
Disinheritance Following a Second Marriage
The remarriage rate has decreased over time for all individuals except those individuals who are 55 and older. For people who remarry but who also want to make sure that children from a first or previous marriage receive certain assets, it is vital to engage in estate planning as well…
How to Stop Procrastinating and Write Your Estate Plan
Many people understand the value of having an estate plan. They also understand that not writing these documents can place their loved ones in a much more difficult situation. For some reason, however, these people hesitate to write an estate plan. For one reason, most people do not like to…
How to Better Prepare Your Family for the Unanticipated
It’s difficult to accept, but accidents occur every day. In addition to preparing for accidents, it is also a good idea to anticipate events like entering a nursing home. Because an event of this nature is almost a certainty, it is a good idea to take some important estate planning…
Aging and Sleep
As we get older, changes to our sleep patterns occur. In fact, a normal part of the aging process is different sleep. People often report that they have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep as they age. Every night, people achieve sleep, by experiencing periods of light and deep sleep.…
Estate Planning Errors You Need to Avoid
There are several reasons why people hesitate to or refuse to plan for death or incapacity. Failure to create an estate plan, however, can result in a person facing several complications which includes increased fines and placing additional stress on your loved one. As a result, this article reviews…
Using Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts to Avoid Estate Taxes
The federal estate tax exclusion was recently raised to $11.4, but there are cases where large estates or businesses are transferred to beneficiaries and the recipients are subject to estate taxes. In some situations, the only way for your loved ones to pay for the taxes that accompany these assets…
Continuing Care at Home
Very few people look forward to living in a nursing home the last years of their lives. There is a growing segment of the population that wishes to remain in their homes as long as possible. To do so however, assistance is needed from medical professionals and home health aides.…
4 Tips for Managing Digital Assets
Before recently, the terms used by each individual website influence who has ownership and access to digital assets following a loved one’s death. These regulations greatly increased the number of regulations that loved ones must follow after your death. In many cases, these complex laws ended up having the result…