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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog


Trusts and Family-Run Government Contractor Companies

It’s a common tactic for families to utilize trusts to both own, control, and transfer ownership of family businesses. Among other reasons, these trusts help to achieve goals related to asset protection, tax savings, and estate planning.    If your family-run business is also a government contractor, it is critical…


Things to Know If You’re Considering a Handwritten New York Will 

It’s easy to assume that celebrities have the best-written estate plans. In reality, however, each year countless celebrities pass away and create estate problems because they do not clearly express their wishes.    For example, when the “queen of soul music” Aretha Franklin passed away, she left a holographic will…


Divorcees, You Could Be Owed Extra Social Security benefits?

The general consensus is that Social Security replaces around 40% of your pre-retirement income. The reality is that half of all single people depend on their Social Security benefits to replace close to 90% of their pre-retirement income, says the Social Security Administration (SSA). From the start, the only way…


How much can you receive in divorce benefits?

If you’re eligible for divorce benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), you can collect up to 50% of the amount your former spouse is eligible to receive by claiming your benefits at his or her full retirement age (FRA).   Your FRA is either 66, 66 plus a few…

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