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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog


The Power To Establish A New Domicile

An Often Overlooked Power in Durable Power of Attorney Documents Your elderly mother lives and intends to continue residing in Florida. You live in New York. She becomes mentally incapacitated and you move her in with you to take good care of her. You are her agent as designated by…


Divorce: It’s Influence on Your Estate Planning

Making a will can be a time consuming process that involves the interest of a potentially large amount of people. One of these interests is that of the testator’s spouse. A surviving spouse is generally presumed to be the first heir to which asset distribution goes to in the event…


Estate Plan or Wealth Transfer Plan?

Nearly 55% of American adults die without a will or estate planning documents. This lack of planning can cause years of stress and heartache for your surviving family members and heirs. If you die without an estate plan in place, your family may be subject to: Attorney expenses and court…


Highs or Lows: Which is Best When Valuing Art and Collectibles?

Art pieces and collectibles can often be difficult to price. After all, the best and easiest way to price an item is to see what other items like it have sold for. But in these cases, art and collections can be one of a kind and have no comparison. When…


Determining Incapacity in New York

Many people believe that estate planning is primarily a tool to minimize taxes by the state and ensure that your assets are passed on to the people you want them to go to. However, an important part of estate planning is ensuring that when you are incapacitated that your wishes…


Technology Aiding the Aging Population

As the older population continues aging, we are constantly trying to find new tools to help this population manage their lifestyle with more ease. Assistive technology is any service or tool that aids the aging population in performing their otherwise increasingly difficult or impossible daily activities. This technology ranges from…


Planning For Your Fluffiest Assets

Pets Are Often An Overlooked Concern in Estate Planning Despite their ubiquitous presence across the United States, few people consider the needs of their pets in their estate plan. People tend to be so concerned with providing for their children and making sure that their assets are protected from taxes…


MOLST Forms Gaining Attention

MOLST Forms, What Are They? Easily identifiable by its bright pink color, another advance directive has been approved for use in New York medical treatment and healthcare administration. Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment are medical forms similar to a DNR Order, being that they both provide for life of…


Back to the Basics – Do Not Resuscitate Orders

Advance Directives When determining the type of health care you wish to receive in the event that you are no longer able to make medical decisions, advance directives give you the ability to determine when you will continue or cease to receive medical care, the kinds of care or treatment…


Back To Basics: Where To Keep Your Estate Plan

You have finally done it; you took the necessary and important step to sit down and put together an estate plan with a qualified New York estate planning attorney. You have all of the necessary documents you need to move forward confident into the future about how your assets will…

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