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New York Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog


Situations Where Your Digital Assets Last Longer Than You

While estate planning, it’s a good idea to make sure that various parties involved with your estate including personal representatives, agents appointed through a durable power of attorney, and trust receive the information they need to both access as well as manage your assets in case you end up incapacitated…


Estate Planning in the Digital Era

A survey recently reported that over 80% of people who work in estate and financial planning utilize digital trends to support estate planning. Family structures are increasingly complex with currently 34% of respondents reporting that the appointment of beneficiaries was a primary cause of fighting among a family. Market volatility…


Critical Issues to Consider When Estate Planning

Estate planning varies substantially between individuals and is influenced greatly by a person’s goals. Each individual also has a unique situation as well as a background to consider. Two individuals with similar kinds of assets are worried about protecting property from future elderly care centers that might sound like they…


Tips on Avoiding Uncertainty about Health Documents While Estate Planning

Health documents used in an estate planning context are some of the most valuable documents that a person can have. These documents, however, often invite uncertainty because the documents are referred to by various names and one document can be confused for another. When it comes to the subject of…


Revocable Trust Lessons After the Death of Stephen Sondheim

When Stephen Sondheim recently passed away, he passed on all rights associated with his theatrical work including several well-known musicals including several unfinished pieces to a trust, which will be tasked with managing his estate.  The Sondheim trust now will assess the future of  the well-known artist’s intellectual works in…


Diversifying Your Assets After Years of Employment

For many corporate executives who are considering retiring, substantial financial planning must be done. Given the executives are often some of the best-compensated workers, this advice might seem unnecessary. Additionally, increasing stock prices over the last few years, as well as a healthy economy, means that many executives are better…


State-Run ACA Exchanges Create Alternative Plans

In 2020, President Biden and his administration as well as states throughout the country recently celebrated unprecedented gains in enrollment for the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, state-operated exchanges are striving to create alternative plans addressing outreach in the event that Congress fails to extend the Act beyond 2022. A substantial…

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