
NFL Players & Estate Planning Errors – It Can Happen to Anyone

For sports fans, all eyes this weekend are planted squarely on New York City with the Super Bowl set to kick off early Sunday evening. Beyond the usual chatter about who will win and lose, many commentators are discussing how this single game will impact the long-term legacy of many players in it.

Of course, at the end of the day, this game represents just a single game in a career. And for many players, that career is relatively short-lived. Football is a demanding sport, and it is not uncommon for players to retire in their late twenties or early thirties. It is only a rare few who play successfully into their late thirties.

This presents an unique dilemma for players who must then find other careers and/or properly manage their affairs early in life ensure financial stability for what is hopefully a many-decades long retirement. As you might imagine, many players are clumsy in this regard, making a plethora of estate planning mistakes that cause harm to themselves and their families down the road.

Professional Athletes Estate Planning Mistakes
In honor of football’s biggest night, this week Life Health Pro discusses a list they dubbed the “Six Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes NFL Players Make.” Most of the list centers on the basic idea of failing to think long term.

First, estate planning professionals who work with athletes explain that athletes often do not get out of the present. No matter how big one’s check in any given month, the entire purpose of planning is to stretch today’s earnings to an uncertain tomorrow. That need is especially acute for those in unique positions, like professional football players, who earn the vast majority of their lifetime earnings within a specific window that is often no more than a decade.

Along the same lines, a common NFL player planning mistake is spending outside their means. It is easy to mistake a large paycheck now for a license to make luxury purchases. And perhaps those purchases are feasible. But without an actual idea of the funds needed to sustain a decades-long retirement, in too many cases that high living comes at the cost of financial struggles down the road.

Be sure to take a look at the full article for the entire list of common planning errors.

Get Legal Help
The specific estate planning needs of most New York residents will be quite distinct from professional football players. High net worth individuals who are likely to have uneven earnings over the years present very unique planning challenges. But the underlying principles of prudent foresight and seeking out tailored advice to ensure your own actions fit your actual needs is important for all of us, regardless of our age, career, or particular challenges.

For help with estate planning for you and your family be sure that you contact an attorney as soon as feasible and secure the peace of mind that it brings.

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