
MOLST Forms Gaining Attention

MOLST Forms, What Are They?

Easily identifiable by its bright pink color, another advance directive has been approved for use in New York medical treatment and healthcare administration. Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment are medical forms similar to a DNR Order, being that they both provide for life of end care preferences. However, Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) not only allows a patient to refuse resuscitation in the event it is needed, but it also allows for a patient to state when they would allow or request it. Once the form was approved in 2008, EMT agencies now may use the MOLST form without needing a non-hospital DNR order, however, they must honor the DNR bracelet if worn by the patient or a non-hospital DNR form if it is on file.

How it Differs from DNR Orders

MOLST Forms can be used to direct treatment in a variety of medical settings, across the healthcare system, while DNR orders are meant to apply to out of hospital settings such as in nursing homes, or if an ambulance is requested. MOLST Forms are more complex as compared to DNR Orders, due to their wide application in various settings that apply to multiple patient orders. If both are recorded, the most recently dated authorization form should be honored, but the DNI instructions listed on the MOLST Form are signed by a physician and thus provide additional advice not contemplated in the DNR order. However, these new MOLST forms are subject to the same limitations as DNR orders when it comes to healthcare proxies and living wills, EMT agencies still may not honor theses types of advance directives.

In The News

Medical researchers from South Korea, Korea National Bioethics Committee and the National Cancer Center met in Albany, New York in June 2016 in order to learn more from the New York State Health Department officials who were responsible for approving MOLST forms. End of life care and treatment has been a healthcare topic that has had a lot of attention brought to it all over the world, including in South Korea, where laws were recently implemented for regulating end of life decision making. In the wake of regulations for decision making, these medical researchers from South Korea have looked to the New York MOLST Forms and their successful use with intrigue. These medical professionals seek to develop an electronic MOLST registry in order to easily access and follow the wishes of those patients who seek to have their end of life wishes honored.

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