
Is Aging in Place the Best Option for You?

Transitioning to a nursing home or assisted living facility is a difficult period for most adults. A recent study conducted by AARP even reported that 9 out of 10 Americans prefer living in their own homes as long as possible rather than switching to a nursing home. 


The concept of aging in place has let a number of older individuals stay in their homes rather than transition to a care facility. If you are planning on utilizing aging in place as part of your estate plan, the better you prepare, the more easily you will be able to navigate the numerous challenges that arise. 


If the concept of aging in place interests you, this article discusses some of the important factors that you should consider about aging in place before making it part of your estate plans.


# 1 – Consider Remodeling Your Home


If you are planning on aging in place, you will likely have to adapt your home to incorporate various mobility issues that will result as you age. This can include things like ramps, improved lighting, and adding a first floor bedroom and bathroom. 


By performing these updates while you still healthy enough to do so, you can avoid complications that might result later in your life and leave you unable to easily move between floors or navigate other living issues. 


Some people even decide to retain the assistance of Certified Aging in Place Specialists, who are specially trained in making these types of updates to existing homes. 


# 2 – Make Small Changes


If you do not have the costs to perform large-scale adaptations to your home, you can still benefit substantially by doing things like installing shower grab bars or adding additional lighting in dark areas of a house. 


Some potential changes include making certain that rugs are adequately secured to the ground to use trips as well as to make sure that a wheelchair can safely navigate areas of a house. 


# 4 – Consider Who Will Help with Daily Needs


From small daily tasks to more complicated ones, you will likely need assistance performing  a number of day to day tasks. By deciding whether the person that helps you will be a relative or a volunteer, by thinking through this fully now, you can make sure that you have adequate care in place as you age. 


# 5 – Consider Transportation Issues


In addition to relocating, another change that most people do not look forward to is the loss of a vehicle. If you are planning on aging in place, you should make sure that there is an adequate transportation system to get to medical appointments, the grocery store, and other necessary locations. 


This might mean relying on a relative with a vehicle, using public transportation, or hiring ride-share. 


Speak with an Experienced Estate Planning Lawyer


If you have questions or concerns about the estate planning process, you should not hesitate to speak with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney. 


Contact Vayman & Teitelbaum P.C. today to schedule a free initial consultation. 

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