
Find the Right New York Assisted Living Facility

If stereotypes are to be believed, all living arrangements outside of the home are mired in neglect, confusion, and unhappiness. Virtually no one claims that they want to move into a nursing home or assisted living facility, and many assume that leaving one’s house is only done at the last possible minute and often under duress.

This sort of generalizing about the “horrors” of senior care facilities is often misplaced. There are certainly many low-quality homes and individual residents who despise their living situation. But that is not at all to say that every facility–or even a majority–are like that. The truth is that there are many homes that allow residents to thrive, providing support so that their daily lives are more fulfilled than before, when they lived in their own home (often alone) and without necessary assistance with day to day tasks.

On that topic, a recent New York Times “New Old Age” blog post provides some interesting first-person discussion with one of the nation’s “foremost advocate for people living in assisted living,” Martin Bayne.

Mr. Bayne lives in an assisted living facility after suffering health issues related to Parkinson’s Disease. Before that he was actually in charge of the one of the largest brokerage firms dealing in long-term care insurance. Obviously his experience in the world of securing long-term care provides him a fascinating perspective on these issues generally on top of his own experience in an assisted living facility. You should take the time to read the whole interview as well as check out Mr. Bayne’s own writings at

One interesting aspect of the interview involves Mr. Bayne explaining how it took more than one facility before he found his best fit. When discussing his experience at a facility in the beginning, he noted: “It felt like a nightmare. I didn’t know what to do. I kept sinking deeper and deeper into the La Brea Tar Pits until finally I slipped under. I had a psychotic break.” He referred to medication errors at the first facility which had a serious detrimental effect on his life. However, fortunately, he was able to get into a different home that is a far better fit.

This is a crucial reminder for all New York families about the need to be careful when making nursing home selection and open to the idea of changing if necessary down the road. Feel free to contact our NY elder law attorneys for assistance securing that care no matter what your current situation.

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