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New York Judge Denies Inheritance to Woman who Married Spouse at Life’s End

A King County Surrogate’s Court judge recently handed down a significant ruling in the case of a caretaker who appeared to marry her elderly patient in his final days in an effort to claim part of the deceased’s estate. The judge hearing the case decided the woman forfeited her statutory…


Implication of ARTs Within New York Inheritance Law

Rarely is there a more interesting circumstance presented an attorney of an estate law practice than a matter implicated with bioethics. Advances in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (“ARTs”) have created a range of reproduction options for infertile individuals. The result is that human conception or artificial insemination (“AI”) in vitro fertilization…


How High Wealth Investors Can Benefit from Unit Investment Trusts

The U.S. federal Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) offers guidelines to Unit Investment Trusts (“UITs”). A fixed portfolio of securities with specific expiry, UITs are a trust vehicle for high wealth investors looking for estate portfolio diversification. The composition of UITs, generally a portfolio of bonds, stocks, and other securities,…

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