
Articles Posted in NY Elder Law


Low Expectations for Federal Long-Term Care Commission

Last year federal legislation was passed affecting elder care issues. In particular, the new law eliminated a floundering attempt to create a national long-term care insurance program. At the same time, the law also called for the creation of a commission to study issues of senior care financing, delivery, and…


New Guide to Senior Financial Exploitation

ElderCare Locator recently released a helpful new brochure that offers basic (but important) reminders about the need to be vigilant to prevent senior financial exploitation. The guide provides information about the scope of the problem, information on what to do if you suspect financial abuse, and prevention tips. You can…


Advocates Call on Governor Cuomo to Save Senior Centers

Last Thursday a group of elder care advocates, seniors, and local politicians held an event to raise awareness of the possible closure of area senior centers. According to a report in Staten Island Live, the gathering was specifically called to ask Governor Cuomo to refrain from making changes to state…


Congressman Shares Information About Federal Attempt to Solve Long-Term Care Crisis

On Wednesday Congressman Ted Deutch published an editorial in Politico advocating on behalf of a stalled federal initiative known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS). The measure was hailed as the first federal attempt to address the nation’s long-term care crisis. All those in our area…


Daughters Disproportionately Assume Elder Caregiver Role For Aging Parents

An article yesterday at Forbes explored an issue that has been dubbed “the ticking time bomb of eldercare.” It is well known that many families are forced to adapt their lifestyle once they start having children to make concessions for childcare. However, our New York elder law attorneys know that…


Power of Attorney & Health Care Proxy Are Crucial Components of New York Elder Care Plan

Every New York elder law estate plan should likely include a Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy. These documents allow another person to handle a variety of legal, financial, and medical affairs on your behalf in the event of disability. Our New York elder law attorneys know that preparing…

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