The results of a comprehensive new research effort on Medicaid’s effects on low-income residents was just published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The full summary of the article can be found online here. As discussed in the New York Times late last week, the project compared individuals who…
Articles Posted in Medicaid Applications
NY Medicaid Supported Adult Day Care Suspended Following Fraud Concerns
Last week we shared information about the revelations in the New York Times that efforts to curb New York Medicaid costs have been less than successful–mostly because of expanded enrollment in certain programs, like senior day care centers. These assistance centers are locations where frail and sometimes vulnerable elderly community…
Managed-Care Medicaid in New York
A New York Times article this week took a look at the consequences of a Medicaid change engineered by Governor Cuomo in the hopes of saving money: switching to “managed-care” for NY Medicaid programs. The basic idea is straightforward: switch from paying providers a “fee for service” and instead make…
House GOP Proposal & Medicaid
As most know, the March 1st “sequester” cut deadline came and went without much serious action by policymakers to avert the automatic cuts. This was not unexpected considering policymakers have been very far off on goals for a compromise and because the $85 billion in first year cuts will not…
Editorial Calls for Preserving Medicaid Spousal Refusal in New York
It is not easy for many local residents to understand all of the ins and out of the Medicaid program. While Medicaid is a critical tool that provides support for local seniors who need long-term care, it can be a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and frustration when families attempt to…
Modernization to New York Medicaid Coming As Part of Affordable Care Act?
Speculation was rampant over the past year regarding exactly how full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Obamacare) would actually affect the current healthcare programs, like Medicare and Medicaid. Now, with President Obama’s re-election in place and the long-term security of the ACA secure, we are beginning to see…
Medicare Funding & Nursing Home Overbilling
One question many New York seniors (and their loved ones) considered during the presidential campaign was how each candidate’s election might affect programs like Medicare and Medicaid. While it is hard to say with certainty what changes, if any, will be made to these areas, much of the discussion between…
Ensuring LTCI Fairness
Elder law attorneys and senior care advocates frequently remind community members of the value of long-term care insurance (LTCI). The New York legal professionals at our firm advise those who we are assisting with elder law estate planning of the immense value of having this insurance in place so that…
Editorial on Presidential Medicaid Proposals
In the back-and-forth of the presidential debates and the obviously skewed TV ads, it is hard for local seniors to make heads or tails of the different proposals that candidates have on the Medicare and Medicaid system. Millions of New Yorkers rely on the programs for their healthcare and long-term…
Man Tries to Kill Senior Girlfriend in Nursing Home for Financial Reasons
It is perhaps every senior’s worst nightmare: a dispute over their finances influences the care they receive in their later years. It seems self-evident that nothing should get in the way of making medical and caregiving decisions based on maximizing a senior’s quality of life–not maximizing an inheritance for others…