
Articles Posted in Medicaid Applications


Privately-Run Managed Elder Care – Advocates Worry About Neglect

The elder care “problem” with which many policymakers in New York and federally are grappling is rooted around one issue: finances. In other words, there are many great models for providing high-quality care to seniors, but there is far less understanding of how to pay for that care. As a…


Billions on the Line with New York Medicaid “Adjustments” from Federal Government

New York State has the largest Medicaid system in the country. As most know, Medicaid is a joint state-federal program that provides healthcare to low-income residents. Unlike Medicare (which is a program exclusively for seniors based on their age), Medicaid is for all those who do not have enough assets…


New York Medicaid Program Recovers Record $851 Million in 2013

Earlier this week new figures were released by the Medicaid Inspector General’s office which highlight the expanding crackdown on misuse of New York Medicaid funds. As discussed in a NY Daily News story, last year state investigators recouped $851 million in allegedly misspent Medicaid funds. This marks nearly double the…


The Truth About Medicaid “Estate Recovery” Concerns

The New York Medicaid system is the primary source of funding for many seniors in need of long-term care at nursing homes. Medicare does not cover these extensive stays, and the out-of-pocket costs are tremendous. As a result, many seniors enroll in the program to pay for their care. Payments…


Don’t Let Qualifying for Medicaid Force You Into Poverty

If a New York senior is in immediate need of close, skilled, long-term care and lacks the resources to pay the (quite high) fees for such care are out of pocket, then the only recourse is usually the New York Medicaid system. But far too many residents fail to appreciate…


Update on Effort to Fix New York Medicaid System

The New York Medicaid system is unique in the country for its size. The state serves more people (as a percentage) and provides more extensive benefits than any other state in the nation–by far. Of course, this all means that our program costs billions more per year than any other.…


Be Aware of Trust Fund Theft At Nursing Homes

Most fears about moving into a nursing home concern abuse and neglect. After living independent lives on one’s own, it is easy to understand why seniors may wish to avoid moving into a facility where they will rely on others (strangers) for day to day aid. Unfortunately, beyond the physical,…


Ineligible Patients Enrolled in Medicaid Program by Agency in NY

The New York Medicaid system is the largest in the nation. As most know, Medicaid is a joint federal-state program, paid for by both entities. While federal parameters must be met, each state is free to decide upon various details of the program, including eligibility and extensiveness of support provided.…


Financial Problems at NY Nursing Home, Says Comptroller’s Audit

A common theme in recent years regarding long-term care in New York is the shuttering of county-owned public nursing homes. Historically, facilities to provide specialized care to seniors were built in different communities, with operation and ownership in the hands of local policymakers. But with financial pressures mounting, that format…


New York Medicaid & Obamacare Roll Out

Anyone who has watched a nightly news broadcast or browsed a new website likely heard this month about the roll-out of Obamacare (the colloquial name for the large-scale healthcare overhaul known as the Affordable Care Act). In the past we discussed the way that the new law offers additional opportunities…

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