
Articles Posted in Long Term Care Planning


Another Study Emphasizes the High Costs of Long-Term Care

target=”_blank” Yet another company, Northwestern Mutual, has recently issued a “Cost of Long-Term Care” study. Of course, the results indicate that the actual cost depends on a range of factors including what part of the country one lives, whether an at-home aide is hired, or whether one moves into a…


Elder Caregivers Found To Have Higher Levels of Stress & Health Issues

The focus of most New York elder care planning discussions naturally revolves around the needs of seniors. Are they receiving proper nutrition? Do their caregivers timely attend to their dressing, bathing, and washroom needs? Do they remain connected to the community with opportunities to use their unique skills and abilities?…


Happiest Nursing Home Staff Members Work at Nonprofit Facilities

Making the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is no routine matter. Emotions run deep during this time, when families struggle to balance the senior’s need for close care and safety with their concerns about the quality of life available in these assisted-living facilities. Our New…


Advocates Call for More GLBT Friendly Senior Housing Options

Many writers have taken to calling the upcoming wave of baby boomer retirements as the “silver tsunami.” Like real tsunamis, the demographic shift is expected to have many ripple effects in communities across the country. Each New York elder law attorney at our firm has seen first-hand the challenges faced…


Home Care Workers and the Minimum Wage Controversy

Local seniors obtain peace of mind knowing that they will be able to receive late-in-life care in an ideal setting and that the care will be of top quality. These simple goals should not be out of reach for any elder community member. However each New York elder law attorney…


Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration For U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging

Each New York elder law attorney at our firm understands that maximizing the quality of life for local seniors requires both proper individual planning and common sense elder law policy proposals at the local, state, and federal levels. On the planning side, all local residents should visit with a New…


AARP Release new “Aging in Place” Survey

This month the AARP’s Public Policy Institute, in conjunction with the National Conference of State Legislatures, released a new report that is of direct applicability to all those concerned about their New York long-term care plans. Entitled, “Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices,” the project…


Critics Share Concerns About Federal Proposals Amid Retirement Security Crisis

The Nieman Watchdog–Harvard’s journalism faculty blog–recently published a commentary speaking to the looming “retirement crisis” and the problems with the federal government’s current approach to dealing with it. The author notes that retirement planning is not what it used to be as many workers today are “facing a grim future…


AARP Report Finds Expanding Costs of Family Elder Caregiving

The AARP Public Policy Institute recently released a new report discussing the contributions that family members nationwide make to caring for their elderly family members. Recent news has focused on how local, state, and federal governments will handle the burdens of caring for an aging population. Yet, as this new…


Congressman Shares Information About Federal Attempt to Solve Long-Term Care Crisis

On Wednesday Congressman Ted Deutch published an editorial in Politico advocating on behalf of a stalled federal initiative known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS). The measure was hailed as the first federal attempt to address the nation’s long-term care crisis. All those in our area…

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