
Articles Posted in Financial Planning


Medicare Funding & Nursing Home Overbilling

One question many New York seniors (and their loved ones) considered during the presidential campaign was how each candidate’s election might affect programs like Medicare and Medicaid. While it is hard to say with certainty what changes, if any, will be made to these areas, much of the discussion between…


Less Than 90 Days Left Before “Estate Tax Time Bomb”

Concerns are rising among many in the financial and estate planning fields as the year winds down without any more clarity on the future of the estate tax. A recent post from Advisor One, for example, explained that the shrinking 2012 calendar means that there are less than three months…


Is “Prepaid” Life Insurance Becoming Popular?

Life insurance is an important piece of long-term financial security for local families. It is entirely reasonable for parents and family breadwinners to wish to provide some security to their loved ones in case the unthinkable happens. However, with money tight and uncertainty about financial security remaining, some are unsure…


Elder Caregiving By Family Members

The acting commissioner of the Dutchess County Department of Services for Aging, Veterans and Youth penned an article this week on the toll that elder caregiving takes on family members throughout the state. The purpose of the piece was two-fold: to recognize the amazing work done by so many local…


Bronx Nursing Home Offers One-of-a-Kind Dementia Care

In recent years there has been a push to alter care for seniors with dementia. Most arguments about superior elder care focus on limiting medication-only treatment options. These “chemical restraints” are still overused, with seniors in many nursing homes lulled into a near-stupor as a result of antipsychotic medication. In…


Free Lunches, Legal Information, & Long-term Care Insurance

A new book is being released entitled “The Adventures of a Free Lunch Junkie.” The author, an 86-year old retired man, wrote the interesting tome based on his goal of eating at 50 “free lunches” over the course of a year. Most of the lunches were obtained during seminars, explaining…


Man Tries to Kill Senior Girlfriend in Nursing Home for Financial Reasons

It is perhaps every senior’s worst nightmare: a dispute over their finances influences the care they receive in their later years. It seems self-evident that nothing should get in the way of making medical and caregiving decisions based on maximizing a senior’s quality of life–not maximizing an inheritance for others…


Losing Home Over $400 Tax Bill

Senior care advocates repeatedly remind families that oversight is needed in some cases to ensure seniors do not fall victim to financial exploitation. Having an elder law estate planning attorney involved in the process is one way to provide some professional oversight. However, beyond protecting against scammers and hucksters, many…

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