One important purpose of estate planning is to ensure that as many assets as possible pass on to friends, families, and charities–instead of Uncle Sam. Using trusts and other legal arrangements to structure an inheritance is a prudent move for all New York families, but particularly those with sizeable assets.…
Articles Posted in Estate Taxes
How Does New York Stack Up for Retiree Taxes?
Do you have enough money to retire? It is a questions that tens of thousands of New Yorkers ask themselves every day. When talking with attorneys and financial advisers, many factors are weighed to determine whether enough resources are available for one to have the type and length of retirement…
IRS Valuation & Taxes – The Michael Jackson Examples
Death and taxes; the two constants in life. There has been significant discussion in the past few years over the one tax that is itself most closely tied to death: the estate tax. At the federal level, the President and Congress have debated the exact rate of the the tax…
Federal Estate Tax — Back on the Agenda?
Earlier this week we touched on the fact that estate tax issues need to be on all New Yorkers’ radar, because the state tax kicks in at a far lower level than the federal tax. The federal rate was seemingly fixed as part of the compromise legislation that averted the…
Don’t Forget: There is a New York Estate Tax on Top of Federal Tax
Much discussion at the end of last year dealt with the estate tax. As federal officials groped for a compromise to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff,” details about the federal estate tax were one part of the negotiations. Democrats wanted it returned to levels during the Clinton Administration while Republicans…
Estate Taxes & New York Legend Ed Koch
One of the biggest names and personalities in recent New York City history passed away in early February: Ed Koch. Koch has a wide-ranging career, most notable for his three terms as New York City mayor. The mayor emeritus apparently died with healthy bank accounts, as a recent Forbes article…
DOMA Case Update: Amicus Briefs Mount in New York Couple’s Case
We have frequently discussed the federal law known as the Defense of Marriage Act. Passed in 1996, the law essentially prevents the federal government from recognizing as married same-sex couples who are legally wed in individual states. Of course, New York allows gay couples the right to marry. Under state…
E-Planning: Estate Planning in our Digital World
Like it or not, our world is infatuated with technology. Smartphones conduct intercontinental transactions. Friends across the country communicate through instantaneous text messaging, and telephones and tablets close distances and miles through face to face conversations. Because technology plays such an important role in our daily lives, today’s estate planning…
Trusting Kids with Large Inheritances Remains a Challenge
One of the most common concerns that parents have when creating an estate plan in New York is worrying about passing on too much wealth to children who cannot properly handle it. After a lifetime of hard work, ingenuity, and prudent planning, the last thing many families want is to…
Potential Heir in Huguette Clark Case Dies During Inheritance Feud
Timing is of critical importance with estate planning matters. Obviously, a plan must be in place early enough to be of use before one falls ill or suffers from mental issues. For example, creating a will or trust may be impossible after one suffers a stroke or succumbs to serious…