Some estate planning concepts may seem so straight-forward that community members try to go it alone. After all, a will is just a document that clearly spells out one’s wishes and lists who gets what on a piece of paper. Other assets, like retirement funds, just need a beneficiary named.…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Annual Gift Tax Exclusion Is Not Going Anywhere
With so much attention focused on the future of the estate tax rate and exemption levels, it is easy to forget about other tools to save on taxes while passing on assets. Perhaps the most easily understood is the “annual gift tax exclusion.” Each New York City estate planning lawyer…
Feuding Continues Over Rosa Parks Estate
Forbes posted earlier this month on the continued squabbles over the estate of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks. Unfortunately, our New York estate planning attorneys appreciate that the higher the profile of the individual (and the more assets at stake), the more common an inheritance fight is to arise. That…
Giving a Gift or Inheritance With Strings Attached
The possibilities to tailor an estate plan to one’s exact specifications is virtually endless. That is perhaps most evident in the various ways that heir’s can be required to meet certain guidelines as part of a gift or inheritance. The Wall Street Journal dove into this idea last week with…
Entire Estate Left to a Dog?
Ken5 News reported on a unique estate planning case this week involving a man who left a fortune to his favorite canine. The report explains how the man amassed a large collection of various valuables over his lifetime, from fine china to antique furniture. His possessions were enough to fill…
Naming Guardians for Children in New York Estate Plan
Designating inheritances is not the only purpose of a New York estate plan. Some local residents may feel like there is no rush to have a plan in place, because they do not have many assets to pass on or have no particular wishes about their possessions. But inheritances are…
Professional Guidance Helps Avoid IRA Scams
The financial world is a complex one. It is easy for local residents to get lost in the mire of special accounts and various loopholes to maximize their savings while protecting their hard-earned dollars. As always, the professional guidance of financial experts, estate planning attorneys, and others is usually the…
Estate Tax “Portability” Trap
Nothing is easy when dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Even situations that seems straightforward or streamlined invariably involve developing complications that present headaches to taxpayers. Our New York estate planning attorneys know that this bears out in many planning issues. Take, for example, the estate tax. As helpfully…
Prenuptial Agreements: What if Couples are from Different States?
Prenuptial agreements commonly make headlines as celebrities getting hitched try to protect their fortunes. But the focus on celebrities (or the ultra-rich) is misleading. In reality, average Americans should, and frequently do, make use of the benefits of prenuptial agreements. In our area, New York estate planning attorneys know that…
Improvement in the IRS Art Value Appraisal Services
An appraisal is an expert assessment of the value of a particular asset at a given time. Many factors involved in the appraisal of a property can easily distort its value–overvaluing or undervaluing it. The IRS uses appraisals in the process of assessing property taxes, which requires the appeal of…