Not many years ago student loans and estate planning were rarely discussed in the same sentence. That is because in decades past far fewer individuals took out student loans and, even when they did, the size of the loans were smaller. Things are changing, however. Higher education is becoming more…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Confusion, Disagreement Surrounding Painter Thomas Kinkade’s Wishes
An estimated one in every twenty homes contains a copy of the work of Thomas Kinkade–the painter best known for traditional works of gardens, cottages, streams, and small town centers. Considering the mass marking and popularity of his work, Kinkade was able to acquire a considerable fortunate over the years.…
Political Bequests in a Will
When an individual uses only a will (instead of a trust) and does not have professional advice, there is a greater chance that the intended beneficiaries will not receive the property that the testator (the person who creates a will) wanted them to receive. For one thing, the will itself…
The Bernard Matthews Case: Putting a Mistress in a Will
Last week AOL Money shared the story of yet another estate planning feud–this time involving Turkish business magnate Bernard Matthews who died two years ago when he was 80 years old. Like many others, Matthews family life did not quite fit the traditional mold. He married his wife decades ago…
Fundamentals of Estate Planning: Naming a Trustee
A trust is the central legal tool used to provide the flexibility and protection most residents use when planning for their long term financial, inheritance, and health care needs. There are many different types of trusts which provide different benefits to residents; each type comes with its own rules. However,…
DOMA Challenges Mount
The Defense of Marriage Act continues to make headlines, as several states have now challenged the constitutionality of the federal law which defines marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. New York is among three states (including Vermont and Connecticut) which currently allow same-sex couples to wed and…
New York Executrix Ordered to Return Estate Funds
New York estate planning lawyers are often tasked with advising their clients as to how to choose the proper people to administer their estates. The people they designate are put in positions of immense trust and responsibility. Whether the client is designating an executor/executrix, a trustee, or a power of…
Irregularities with Estate of Monkee’s Star Davy Jones
The probate process is public, and so most families whose estate planning includes only a will usually have the details of the document laid out to anyone in the community who chooses to examine it. Yet, that rule is usually best exemplified by looking at the exceptions. While a will…
Contingent Beneficiaries for IRA Accounts
Properly naming beneficiaries in things like Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) is obviously a crucial component of all New York estate plans. One of the most common planning mistakes is failing to update these beneficiary designations. These mistakes are serious, because assets in these accounts usually transfer at death automatically–outside of…
Be Careful of Credit Card Debt at Death
What happens to all of the money that you owe at death? Does someone else pay for it or does it just disappear? Our New York estate planning attorneys know that many local residents have questions about these sorts of issues when thinking about their long-term financial and inheritance issues.…