It is an all-too-common problem: A family business is decimated following a patriarch’s death because of feuding and fighting between family members over the estate. Preventing family feuds and ensuring seamless transfers of assets is the centerpiece of all estate planning efforts. But that need is paramount when certain issues…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Help with the Financial Stresses of Having a Child with Special Needs
The New York Times published an interesting story last week discussing the “psychic toll” paid by families working to raise a child with special needs. The article attempts to delve into some of the more nuanced issues related to conducting special needs planning to take care of the finances and…
Is “Prepaid” Life Insurance Becoming Popular?
Life insurance is an important piece of long-term financial security for local families. It is entirely reasonable for parents and family breadwinners to wish to provide some security to their loved ones in case the unthinkable happens. However, with money tight and uncertainty about financial security remaining, some are unsure…
Court Rules Woman Must Give Up Kafka Papers She Inherited
The New York Times published an fascinating story this week on a foreign court ruling that is a testament to the way that estate wishes sometimes have ripples effects for decades and generations into the future. Of course, it is critical to note that the legal rules underlying this case…
Deal Reached in Museum vs. Estate Feud
Unfortunately, there is a tendancy to assume that so long as end-of-life affairs are reasonably spelled out, then everything will go as planned. The reality is that when making estate plans it is usually best to reiterate Murphy’s Law: “Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” It is only…
Court Battle Set to Begin in $300 Million Fight over Huguette Clark Estate
Mystery permanently surrounded the heiress Huguette Clark–a reclusive woman whose $300 million estate is often referred to as the last collection of wealth drawn from the American “Gilded Age.” Her father was a copper magnante many decades ago and was also a former senator from Montana. He is well known…
Creating a Trust & Funding It Are Different
Failing to use a living trust as part of one’s estate planning is one of the most common mistakes that local residents make. Relying solely on a will or (even worse) the intestate rules of succession, means that a family is forced to endure complex, stressful, and conflict-inducing hoops to…
Estate Values Grow Beyond the Grave – The Marlon Brando Example
The importance of selecting a trustee to manage a trust or otherwise handle the affairs of an estate is hard to underestimate. There is a misconception that this task is always a “one-time” affair, with the individual (or individuals) taking care of various paperwork details after a death, and then…
Substitute Teacher Stands to Inherit $10 Million from Distant Relative
It is a common TV and fiction fantasy: your life changes in the blink of an eye when you discover that you’ve inherited a fortune from an unknown relative who passed away. While the dream is far-fetched and rarely based on true-life, it is not entirely without precedent. Every once…
Keeping an Eye on Upcoming Supreme Court Cases
Late September is well-known as the official start of autumn. In the legal world, it also marks the beginning of the new United States Supreme Court term. Many legal observers keep close watch of court actions at this time to figure out what major issues might be decided in the…