
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


Estate Planning Becoming Reality Show?

Epic estate planning battles–particularly involving the wealthy and famous–have long been fodder for newspapers. There have even been a few high-profile movies touching on the topic, like the recent George Clooney film, “The Descendants.” But now it appears that the sagas may make their way into yet another medium: television.…


Trying to “Woo” Inclusion Into The Will of Heiress Huguette Clark

The New York Times shared a story late last week on developments in the settling of the estate of copper heiress Huguette Clark. It is a reminder of the sensitive nature of estate planning, particularly for those with wealth, and the lengths that all involved parties may go to influence…


Common Mistakes when Naming Insurance Beneficiaries

Most lists of “common estate planning mistakes” include the frequent error of failure to properly update beneficiary designations. Yet, even that mistake is deceiving, because updating is just one thing to consider with these designations. Even if the names are evaluated on a consistent basis, it is still important to…


Family Claims Women Looking to “Fleece” Estate After Man’s Murder

Earlier this month we discussed the unique estate issues connected to the murder of a wealthy investor named Raveesh Kumra. Mr. Kumra was murdered during a robbery late last year. It has since been learned that the suspects include several men with connections to alleged prostitutes with whom Kumra apparently…


Discriminatory Old University Trust May Be Modified

Upon visiting an estate planning lawyer for the first time and learning about available options, many are surprised at the flexibility of different legal tools involved in the transfer of property. Far from simply doling out assets to specific friends and family members, one has immense control in deciding how…


Siblings Inheritance Feud Turns Criminal

Estate planning attorneys frequently urge residents to be careful about creating long-term plans to avoid family feuding. Careful consideration of inheritances, open communication between families, and prudent use of tools like trusts are usually the best way to ensure that families are not torn apart after a passing. Some seniors…


Children-Out-of-Wedlock and Inheritance Feuding

The more complex a family arrangement, the more tailored estate plan is likely needed. For local residents this often takes the form of second or third marriages, with children and different step-relatives. The “default” rules may not be good at accounting for these various relationships and balancing the unique needs…

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