Death and taxes; the two constants in life. There has been significant discussion in the past few years over the one tax that is itself most closely tied to death: the estate tax. At the federal level, the President and Congress have debated the exact rate of the the tax…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
DOMA Ruling & Retirement for Same Sex Couples
Much discussion around the Windsor case that struck down DOMA dealt with the estate tax. As a result of the decision, married same sex will indeed be privy to the same federal estate tax exemptions as their heterosexual counterparts. But the effects will go well beyond taxes at death. In…
Issues with Family Vacation Homes
Many New York families have vacation homes. While the reference often conjures up images of the super-wealthy wintering in palacial estates, the truth is that owning a second piece of real estate in a favorite location is not only for the elite. Middle class families who prudently save often decide…
Reminder: More Estate Planning Opportunities for Couples After Windsor v U.S.
A JDSupra post from last month offers a helpful reminder of the changing legal landscape for New York same sex couples who are married. As virtually everyone knows, in late June the U.S. Supreme Court declared the main portion of the federal law known as the “Defense of Marriage Act”…
Children on Famed Football Coach Challenge Will
The State recently reported on another “will contest” involving a well-known South Carolina family. The story is an example of a very common estate planning problem, disagreement between adult children and a second (or third) spouse. The basics of the family situation are well known. The patriarch, former University of…
Adding Candidates & Political Parties to Your Estate Plan
How should you decide who you should name as beneficiaries in your estate planning documents? For many, the answer is not too complicated: leave it all to the children. However, just because that model is the most common form of passing on assets does not mean that there are not…
Taxes & Withdrawal From Retirement Accounts
Planning for retirement is rarely a simple task. For one thing, a resident must carefully ask the basic question: How much do I need? Sophisticated models and projections exists to help make educated guesses about this answer. But it is never an exact science. That is because it is impossible…
GRATs – A Good Idea in this Low Interest Rate Environment?
A post over at Think Advisor last week provides some helpful insight into one financial and estate planning tool which might be appropriate for some New York residents. The tool is know as a GRAT – Grantor Retained Annuity Trust. As with many other trusts, one key purpose of the…
Think Twice Before Disinheriting A Child
Families are complicated. No matter how well intentioned, virtually all family histories include some situations, dynamics, and incidents that cause immense disagreement, tension, stress, and frayed relationship. Virtually all families have some level of “dysfunction,” and no family is perfect. Estate planning attorneys are acutely aware of this reality, as…
Understanding “Portability” in Estate Planning
The last major piece of federal tax legislation was the American Tax Relief Act (ATRA). It was signed by President Obama on January 1st of this year and was passed in order to avert to so-called fiscal cliff (we went over that cliff a few months later anyway). The tax…