What happens if someone who intentionally causes a death is due to inherit from the person who died? Is the wrongdoer still able to profit from his or her actions? In general, the answer would be negative. New York passed a statute known as the “Son of Sam” Law which…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Will The Government Shutdown Affect Your Estate Planning?
News this week is dominated by one topic: the federal government shutdown. Like most others, you may be wondering how (or if) the developments out of D.C. will affect you. The Background The shutdown itself is caused by Congress’s failure to pass an appropriations bill allowing for the spending of…
Mysterious Will Filed in New York Intestate Case
Earlier this year we shared information about a $40 million New York inheritance that was destined to go entirely to the government. 97-year old former NY developer Roman Blum died in January, leaving behind the multi-million dollar estate. Yet, it seems that Blum conducted no estate planning–no trust was created…
Financial Advisors Discuss Ways to Save on Increased Capital Gains Taxes
Many New Yorkers know that, as part of the federal tax package compromise that was passed on January 1st of this year, the capital gains tax rate was increased. Last year the top rate was 15% but that is now up to 20%. In addition, some individuals will also face…
Huguette Clark Estate Negotiations Fail, Set for Trial
When most people envision legal trials, the first images that pop to mind involve bizarre crimes or large class action lawsuits. Thanks to movies and television shows, there is an assumption that trials are only for deciding whether someone is going to prison or if a large corporation acted inappropriately…
Tax Evasion Case – Hiding Inheritance from IRS
One important purpose of estate planning is to ensure that as many assets as possible pass on to friends, families, and charities–instead of Uncle Sam. Using trusts and other legal arrangements to structure an inheritance is a prudent move for all New York families, but particularly those with sizeable assets.…
Inadequate Retirement Worries? – Tips to Boost Your Savings
Retirement saving. Those two works often strike immediate fear and worry in the heart of New Yorkers. It is hard enough for many families to meet their weekly needs, from mortgage payments to children’s tuition payments and everything in between. In the end, there is often little left over to…
IRS Issues Guidance on Federal Taxes for Same Sex Couples
Last week the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released information on what has been dubbed a “hugely important” questions for same sex couples. Essentially, the new rules mean that same sex couples who are legally married in one state will still be treated as married for tax purposes by the federal…
Delaying Social Security: Should You Do It?
There is no such thing as universal financial advice. When reading any news story, blog post, or magazine article, one must remember that any advice or discussion about financial topics are general–they may not be best choice in your particular case. Many decisions about investments, use of trusts, and similar…
How Does New York Stack Up for Retiree Taxes?
Do you have enough money to retire? It is a questions that tens of thousands of New Yorkers ask themselves every day. When talking with attorneys and financial advisers, many factors are weighed to determine whether enough resources are available for one to have the type and length of retirement…