
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


NFL Players & Estate Planning Errors – It Can Happen to Anyone

For sports fans, all eyes this weekend are planted squarely on New York City with the Super Bowl set to kick off early Sunday evening. Beyond the usual chatter about who will win and lose, many commentators are discussing how this single game will impact the long-term legacy of many…


Understanding Social Security Benefits for Seniors

The words “Social Security” remain synonymous with retirement benefits for seniors. Earlier generations grew up with the understanding that Social Security would provide an income net in their golden years, allowing a modest but safe retirement. However, the current generation does not have nearly the same picture of the system.…


Former New York State Medicaid Inspector General Sets His Sights on Charity Regulation

There will soon be a new chief in town when it comes to monitoring the activities of New York charitable organizations. According to a report last week in the Wall Street Journal, James Sheehan was named the head of a state agency known as the Charities Bureau. This entity may…


Estate Lawsuit Reinstated Involving Claimed Executor Fraud

Famed rock music promoter Bill Graham made his name as the organizer of popular music festivals and concerts. His events are credited for launching the careers of legendary groups like the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, the Eagles, and many others. Unfortunately, Graham’s life was cut short over twenty years ago,…


The Basics: The Importance of Living Trusts in Estate Planning

An important element of estate planning is ensuring the financial security of your family after you are gone. Like most people, we have worked our lifetime to provide financial stability for not only ourselves but our loved ones. An easy, burden-less way of providing for your loved ones is through…


A Court Order Delays Life Support Termination

Legal battles between families and hospitals over whether to disconnect life-support systems are nothing new. Optimistic family members plead with hospitals and insurance companies to keep their loved one on life support, while doctors argue the person has already died and the machines are the only thing keeping the heart…

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