In contrast to what many people think, the best estate planning considers all aspects of your life instead of only the end. The estate planning process requires thinking about what is important to you as well as your expectations for loved ones. Prenuptial agreements, which a person enters into…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Understanding the Reality of Revocable Trusts
Imagine you’ve finally met with your attorney to establish an estate plan and are now considering whether to establish a trust. Or a situation where you already have an estate plan that includes a revocable trust. In today’s world of estate planning, revocable trusts have proven to be a common…
Remember to Learn Your Parent’s Finance Plans
The unfortunate truth is that everyone’s parents will ultimately pass away even though the average life expectancy is increasing. While some of our parents pass away while we are children, other people lose their parents when they are adults. Even though this is a grim reality, it is best to…
Eskra: A Reminder about Premarital Agreements and Estate Planning
In the recent case of Eskra v. Grace, a person filed a petition attempting to be named as personal representative of her deceased husband’s estate. The trial court denied her petition based on a premarital agreement waiving her interest in her deceased husband’s separate property. The court named the man’s…
Lessons Learned from In re the Purported Will of Moore
An appellate court recently decided the In re the Purported Will of Moore case, which involved an appeal from an order that granted summary judgment and denied relief for a judgment involving a caveat to the will of a deceased person. The Facts Behind the Case A man created a…
Austin Case Provides Estate Planning Lessons
The Wisconsin Court of Appeals recently saw the case of Austin v. Roesler and Campbell, which provides some valuable reminders about what to do (and not do) while estate planning. The Facts Behind the Case The case involved a woman who executed her will in 1977, which directed that following…
Situations Where Your Digital Assets Last Longer Than You
While estate planning, it’s a good idea to make sure that various parties involved with your estate including personal representatives, agents appointed through a durable power of attorney, and trust receive the information they need to both access as well as manage your assets in case you end up incapacitated…
Estate Planning in the Digital Era
A survey recently reported that over 80% of people who work in estate and financial planning utilize digital trends to support estate planning. Family structures are increasingly complex with currently 34% of respondents reporting that the appointment of beneficiaries was a primary cause of fighting among a family. Market volatility…
4 Estate Planning Strategies to Protect Your Assets
Considering that someday you will no longer be alive is an unpleasant thought. You might be frightened of the unknown, particularly when it involves issues of what will happen to your loved ones. Even though you will no longer be around to play a role in managing your estate, you…
Revocable Trust Lessons After the Death of Stephen Sondheim
When Stephen Sondheim recently passed away, he passed on all rights associated with his theatrical work including several well-known musicals including several unfinished pieces to a trust, which will be tasked with managing his estate. The Sondheim trust now will assess the future of the well-known artist’s intellectual works in…