You should strive to review your estate plans every few years. While it might not seem like it, many events can occur during this period that impacts your estate planning goals. Besides personal changes, the country also experiences national elections every four years which often lead to changes in estate…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
Advice on Removing an Executor from an Estate
After a person is named an executor, the individual takes on the obligation to adequately and promptly complete the estate’s administration in addition to distributing an estate’s assets to anyone listed as a beneficiary. Assuming that the executor appreciates the duty that he or she owes to the estate and…
Estate Planning Is Critical During a Period of Wealth Transfer
Although it was long predicted, the country is currently in the middle of the biggest transfer of assets in current history. The Federal Reserve reports that at the end of 2021’s first quarter, people in the United States who are 70 years of age and older had net worths of…
Taking Advantage of the Estate Tax Portability Provision
The estate tax exemption is slated to return to $5 million in 2026. For married individuals, the exemption is considered portable”, which means that the estate of the second spouse to pass away can benefit from the unused amount of the exemption that was available to the first spouse who…
What You Should Know About Creating a Special Trust for Your Elderly Loved One
Many adults with special needs children routinely worry about how the child will survive when the parent can no longer support them. Often, leaving money directly to a special needs child can end up jeopardizing that child’s ability to receive any support from government-funded programs including Medicaid and Supplemental Social…
Estate Planning Alternatives to Quiet Trusts
Many people want to avoid involving children in conversations about trusts. This article reviews some ideas that are helpful to consider when people decide whether to establish a quiet (or “silent”) trust or a trust that allows keeping the trust’s existence or details about the trust from beneficiaries as well…
Raising Issues of Incapacity or Undue Influence to Challenge Estate Plans
After a loved one passes away and you learn about that person’s estate plan for the first time, it’s common to encounter various emotions as you respond to the terms of the plan including shock, sadness, or even anger. Based on the estate plan’s appointments, beneficiaries, or other times, you…
Utilizing Trusts to Reduce Taxes Faced by Your Legacy
Many people are curious about what happens after they are no longer able to manage their assets. Many chances are created when it comes to estate planning arrangements and trusts play a large role in estate planning. If you choose wisely, trusts fortunately can prove to be an excellent way…
Bear Markets and Estate Planning
Earlier in 2022, the stock market entered what is referred to as a bear market, which happens when the market drops more than 20% lower than a recent high. Financial experts have cited various reasons why the market has declined including, but not limited to, the war between Russia and…
Utilizing Estate Planning for the Digital Future
People interested in estate planning are increasingly placing digital asset clauses in their estate planning documents. This unfortunately adds another layer of complexity to estate planning. As focus in digital assets becomes more popular, the need for adequate estate planning also increases. People want to make sure that their financial…