
Articles Posted in Estate Planning


Proper New York Estate Planning Necessary to Combat Possible Legal Challenges

Our New York elder law estate planning attorneys are proud of our work as counselors at law, acting as trusted advisors for the clients who count on us. In this capacity we spend each day meeting with community members to understand their family dynamics and listening to their concerns and…


Estate Plan Still Needed to Divide Properly Equally Between Children

Some local residents believe that they do not need to worry about creating a New York estate plan if they only want to divide all of their assets between their children equally. These community members are under the incorrect assumption that the default legal rules will ensure that everything works…


New Website Services Offers Online Method of Distributing Personal Property

Most New York estate plans have various components and include several legal documents. Most will have a Revocable Living Trust, Medicaid Asset Protection Trust, or both. A pour-over will is also frequently added as a failsafe to cancel an old will and ensure that any assets left outside the trust…


Season Tickets, Frequent Flier Miles, and Other Unique Assets in Estate Plan

Local residents visit our New York estate planning attorneys for professional assistance to protect and pass on their assets. Many also expect guidance identifying the items that should be considered an asset and included in the planning. Most area families need to consider things beyond homes, cars, investment portfolios, and…


Estate Planning is Not Just for Senior Couples

Some area residents may think that New York estate planning is only for married seniors who have big families and substantial wealth. Fortunately, more and more people are coming to understand that this planning is a necessity for all community members, no matter what their situation in life. The Calgary…


Parents Grapple with Effect of Inheritances and the Meaning of Money

New York inheritance planning involves passing on values as well as assets. No matter how large the family estate, most parents think long and hard about how their inheritance will affect the lives of their children. For many there are no easy answers to questions like how new wealth will…

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