Last week state legislators proposed New York Medicaid changes which would eliminate the financial involvement of local county governments–a state take-over of the program. However, this change would do nothing to curb the overall costs of the program. Lawmakers explain that reigning in Medicaid costs remains a top priority, and…
Articles Posted in Elder Law
Medicaid Asset Protection Trust Is Important Tool for New York Seniors
A Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) is one of the best tools available for seniors who do not have long-term care insurance to protect their assets from the staggering cost of nursing home care. This weekend our New York elder law attorney, Bonnie Kraham Esq., had a story published in…
Grandparents Day is Reminder of Importance of Long-term Care Planning
While it slipped under the radar this year for many families, the first Sunday after Labor Day is Grandparents Day. As explained this week in the Daily Local, the holiday has been the topic of a presidential proclamation every year since 1978. More recently it has been used as a…
Bankruptcy Filings Among the Elderly Are Rising
The economic conditions of the past few years have placed many families in difficult financial circumstances. Few demographic groups have been spared, and our New York elder law attorneys know that the situation has affected many seniors in our area. Echoing that trend, a forthcoming article in The Elder Law…
Proper Senior Care Planning Needed to Prevent Elder Financial Abuse
Earlier this year Congressional hearings were held on the often forgotten problem of elder financial exploitation. Federal officials are still considering a variety of legislative options to protect victims of these crimes and hold wrongdoers properly accountable. Our New York elder law attorneys know that many residents in our area…
Tips for Choosing the Best Elder Care for Loved Ones
It is often emotionally wrenching to come to the realization that your aging loved one is in need of extra day-to-day care. For local residents, if a proper New York elder care plan is in place there should be options available to provide the necessary assistance. In many cases aid…
Power of Attorney & Health Care Proxy Are Crucial Components of New York Elder Care Plan
Every New York elder law estate plan should likely include a Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy. These documents allow another person to handle a variety of legal, financial, and medical affairs on your behalf in the event of disability. Our New York elder law attorneys know that preparing…
Elderly Residents Can Keep Their Pets With Flexible Care Options
Many seniors consider their pets to be part of their family. The companionship that an animal brings is often particularly important for those who have lost their spouse or who live alone. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention specifically credits pets with decreasing blood pressure, increasing socialization…
Primary Progressive Aphasia Remains Little-Known Form of Dementia
The onset of medical conditions that affect brain function like dementia or Alzheimer’s often act as triggers for local residents and their families to visit a New York elder law attorney. As most are aware, these illnesses affect millions of individuals across the country. The brain conditions result in memory-loss,…
The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) – Do’s and Don’ts
by Michael Ettinger, Attorney at Law The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) is a technique commonly used by elder law attorneys. It consists of an irrevocable trust, usually set up by a parent of parents sixty-five and older. One or more of the adult children are named as “trustees” to…