
Articles Posted in Elder Law


Governor Cuomo Warns of Potential Effects of “Super Committee” Stalemate

All those with an eye toward New York Medicaid planning have been closely following the actions of the federal “Super Committee.” This unique federal, bipartisan committee was charged with coming up with a long-term federal deficit reduction plan totaling $1.2 trillion over 10 years. Failure to reach an agreement on…


Governor Cuomo Declares November As New York Caregiver Recognition Month

Last week the Director of the New York State Office for the Aging held the first-ever New York Caregiving and Respite Coalition Conference. Over 120 participants attended the event, which was meant to honor all those family members across the state who provide vital services to their friends and family…


Authorities Often Act Too Late to Prevent Elder Financial Abuse

The Bellingham Herald discussed an often overlooked but vital matter that is of serious concern to our New York elder law estate planning attorneys: elder financial exploitation. Our work helping local residents avoid the probate process, save taxes, and plan for disability, involves elements of trust and relationship-building. Yet, we…


AARP Report Finds Expanding Costs of Family Elder Caregiving

The AARP Public Policy Institute recently released a new report discussing the contributions that family members nationwide make to caring for their elderly family members. Recent news has focused on how local, state, and federal governments will handle the burdens of caring for an aging population. Yet, as this new…


Congressman Shares Information About Federal Attempt to Solve Long-Term Care Crisis

On Wednesday Congressman Ted Deutch published an editorial in Politico advocating on behalf of a stalled federal initiative known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS). The measure was hailed as the first federal attempt to address the nation’s long-term care crisis. All those in our area…


More Americans Financially Supporting Aging Parents

Last week Reuters discussed the growing number of adult Americans who are financially supporting their senior parents. As the author quips, many of these residents have becomes the “Bank of Sons and Daughters” after the recent financial crisis decimated the savings of many elderly family members. According to MetLife‘s new…


Baby Boomers Discuss Retirement and Long-Term Living Plans Amid Tough Economy

It is no surprise that only 9% of Baby Boomers stated in a new Associated Press poll that they were “strongly convinced” that they would be able to live comfortably when they retired. With financial affairs in flux for many members of the 77-million strong Baby Boomer generation, many are…


New Companion Service Provides New York Elder Care at Senior’s Own Home

The aging of the population both in our state and throughout the country is leading many community members to re-think the best way to provide long-term care for seniors when they reach their golden years. In the past, options for seniors were few and far between. In most cases a…


New York Elder Center Opens for GLBT Seniors

The New York elder law estate planning attorneys at our firm have worked for years with local GLBT residents on the unique issues that they face when planning for their long-term financial, social, and physical well being. Even though New York leveled the playing field this year by passing legislation…


Daughters Disproportionately Assume Elder Caregiver Role For Aging Parents

An article yesterday at Forbes explored an issue that has been dubbed “the ticking time bomb of eldercare.” It is well known that many families are forced to adapt their lifestyle once they start having children to make concessions for childcare. However, our New York elder law attorneys know that…

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