How property and assets are distributed when you pass can be a sensitive topic that many people do not like to address, in fact, more than half of Americans die without a will every year. This failure to plan for the distribution of assets and property can leave many interested…
Articles Posted in Elder Law
Dental Care and Old Age
As we continue to age, there are a number of ailments that develop and health issues that we are forced to address and adapt to. While we anticipate problems such as achy joints and the occasional stiff legs, we do often forget about the continued upkeep associated with dental hygiene.…
Meals on Wheels Funding Gets Threatened
Meals on Wheels is a government program that started in the 1950s that has assisted elderly citizens by delivering food to them when in need, either by providing the meals in the elderly individual’s home or in a community senior center. They not only provide the meal but also provide…
Different Ways to Title Property in Estate Planning
When titling property pertaining to estate planning, there are many considerations to make in order to properly distribute assets and property to your loved ones upon your death. Depending upon your estate planning measures, you make seek to title property in order to pass automatically to a lineal descendant, in…
Different Ways to Title Property in Estate Planning
When titling property pertaining to estate planning, there are many considerations to make in order to properly distribute assets and property to your loved ones upon your death. Depending upon your estate planning measures, you make seek to title property in order to pass automatically to a lineal descendant, in…
Overzealous Powers of Attorney and How to Handle Them
When determining how you want your estate and assets administered upon your death, it is also important to consider how you want decisions made in the event that you cannot make them for yourself. Naming a power of attorney has a number of benefits that will avoid any drawn out…
Understanding Elder Law Estate Planning – Trusts and Tax Reporting
If you are the beneficiary of a trust, there are a number of considerations you should be making when filing your taxes. When filing taxes each year, you should determine how much of your trust distributions made throughout the year will be taxable. In the event that a trust…
The Basics – Guardianship and the Elderly
As we continue to age, it can be difficult to admit when you are no longer able to handle personal affairs and financial matters on your own. There are a number of alternatives available to those seeking to have their affairs managed by another party, depending upon the individual’s mental…
Early Onset Dementia and the Importance of Estate Planning
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease affects more than five million Americans today. While a large majority of those affected are over the age of 65, it is not just a disease for the elderly. Symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease can occur in individuals as young as 30 years old, and…
New York Elder Law Estate Planning: Unitrusts
There are a variety of different types of trusts that an individual can use to their benefit while they are alive or in order to preserve their wealth for their family after they pass. Depending on it’s purpose, the grantor of a trust will make either a irrevocable or revocable…