NEW YORK LAW ON ELDER ABUSE New York, much like every other state in the country, has a system in place to deal with elder abuse. It is both preventative and remedial in nature. Many people are more familiar with analogous child abuse protection laws. Unlike child abuse protection laws,…
Articles Posted in Caregiving
LAWS THROUGHOUT THE STATES More than half the states have filial support laws on their books. Most states that still have filial support laws as part of its statutory code rarely enforce them. The last time that Georgia successfully enforced its filial support law was 1936. Filial support laws are…
LEGAL RIGHTS The highly charged trial of former Iowa legislature Henry V. Rayhons is now over. Five months ago, jurors voted to acquit the Defendant of third degree sexual assault. One of the voting jurors was a local reporter who wrote a revealing and no doubt personally difficult article. The…
2015 REPORT ON LONG TERM COMMUNITY CARE FACILITY SAFETY AND INTEGRITY On April 21, 2015, the Long Term Care Community Coalition issued a 30 page comprehensive report to document and report on the state of the long term care community. It was a report card of sorts, where the report…
CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES There are currently 1,900 continuing care retirement communities throughout the country, with approximately one half of a million residents. As you may already know, continuing care retirement communities are communities that offer seniors or older adults – depending on the community – independent living options with…
Did You Prepare for That?
Screenwriter and director Woody Allen once said, “There are worse things in life than death.” Becoming incapacitated and unable to make medical treatment decisions for yourself may be one of those things. The case of Terry Schiavo is a perfect example of the problems that can arise when one does…
Bucking the Trend – County-Run Nursing Homes
News regarding New York nursing home care in recent months has centered on one development–the privatization of formerly public-owned facilities. In the past, most New York counties owned and managed their own facilities to provide long-term care for seniors in their community. However, due to a range of factors, those…
Onondaga County Officially Transfers Ownership of Nursing Home to Private Firm
The changing face of New York nursing home care continued this weekend as another county officially got out of the elder care business. As reported by Syracuse News, the Van Duyn Home and Hospital was transferred by Onondaga County to the “Upstate Services Group” — a private company that owns…
New Tech Tools Changing Elder Care
The look and feel of elder care in the United States is changing. In the distant past, most care was provided by friends and family members at their own homes. Later, larger facilities (nursing homes) were built to provide more consistent care to all seniors, especially those without options for…
AARP to Hold Forum on “Modernizing Medicaid”
Debate and discussion around the ideal setting to care for older individuals has raged for decades. The trends are somewhat cyclical. In the distant past, virtually all aging took place at homes. “Traditional,” nuclear families were more common, and so seniors who could no longer live on their own almost…